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Curriculum for newbie...what to suggest?


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I have a friend planning to homeschool. She is needing something not overwhelming but also a little hand holding for her first year. She has two boys (next year considered 3rd and 5th grade). Her kids really "hate" school and she wants to get the "love of learning" back. I have suggested FLL and WWE, which I think she is going to use.


Any suggestions? I thought about sonlight or MFW, but just not sure. She thinks her boys really need a hands-on type approach.

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:iagree: Might I also suggest she do the study in Cathy Duffy's book, 100 Top Picks? It sounds like she's off to a great start in identifying how her children would learn best, but there's a few more things to consider in the equation of which curricula would work best. For example, nailing down a philosophy takes the edge off when panic and doubt arrise, choosing something that fits with your teaching style and the child's learning style ensures everyone is comfortable, and weighing many variables (such as cost, teacher intensive or independant, multiple level, belief system, etc.) A little homework goes a long way in ensuring a curric is a great fit. :001_smile:

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I have not read or looked at this book...Do you mean for her to read this book? or is there a questionnaire that she could take, etc..


It is a book to help with curric choice. There is a lengthy questionnaire at the beginning to help mom figure out all the variables. The book is around $20 and it is worth purchasing IMO, although libraries do carry it. Here's a link to check it out.


By the way, I am not affiliated with this book or author. I just know that I was about to fork over $500 for a certain curric until another homeschooler strongly urged me to get this book, in fact BEGGED me to get this book. I'm glad I listened because that curric did not suit my dd's learning style or my teaching style. This book saved me that $500 and a full year of tears, heartache and regret. Worth it's weight in gold I'd say! :D

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My children's favorite subjects are science and history. We use Elementary Apologia. The first year my children were home schooling was 2nd and 4th. I let them decide which book we were using. They chose Astronomy and they still remember the projects we did. The other book they loved was Story of the World. This past year we started using Institute for Excellence in Writing and now they love writing as well because it is fun. That is what they tell me. We eased into things the first year. I used the Cathy Duffy book so much in the beginning and still go to her website to get another opinion from time to time. I ordered every catalog out there and kept reading reviews to form my own opinions. Good luck to her....

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Might I also suggest she do the study in Cathy Duffy's book, 100 Top Picks? :001_smile:

:iagree: I had a really hard time getting anyone to give me any suggestions when I first started, and I got all of my first year materials using Cathy Duffy's book. She also has a web site with additional curricula reviews. http://www.cathyduffyreviews.com/index.html


I listed some of the other materials I used to decide on my first curriculum on my blog. http://myfamilyiseternal.blogspot.com/2009/10/finding-my-first-curriculum-or-scary.html



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