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how much do you spend on elementary school materials

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I was at the grocery store the other day and an elderly gentleman took it upon himself to alert me that the public schools are requiring parents to spend up 400.00 per year on class materials these days. I was polite but I really did not take him seriously. However, the question kept bugging me so I asked some local friends. They said 400.00 might actually be a lower number than is realistic, especially in the coming years with the budget cuts. Also, the kids in the honors/gifted classes spend much, much more than that b/c they have so many extra activities, etc. At this rate, I think we might not be spending that much more money to homeschool than we would to send her to school. Not that we are homeschooling b/c it's cheaper, we have other reasons, but it is nice to know the cost comparison is somewhat of a washout.

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On average per year for my children I spend approx. $500-$600/yr. I reuse materials, make copies of workbooks and use the library as often as I can. This amount includes books, supplies, including craft supplies and office supplies that are needed through-out the year for school purpose. Some years it may be less and some it may be more..but on average so far $500/yr.


Rough estimate here:

School Supplies: $100

School Books: $200 - $300 (I buy used if I can..I also buy alot of books for our home library instead of checking them out since we'll be using them in the later years for our younger children).

Crafting Supplies: $50

Printer Ink & Paper: $120

Annual Science Center Membership: $20


This year we spent just about that...however next year we're probably only hit $300/yr because I bought alot of materials and books this year because of the bargain prices offered. So we hit our max average this year but will save us in the future!

Edited by mamaofblessings
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Are you talking about supplies we buy our kids for school (ie notebooks, calculators, etc) or the additional fees and items teachers ask to have donated to the classroom? I have spent well over $500 so far in 6th grade, but $400 of that is a field trip to space camp in AL and a band trip. Otherwise, yes, I did drop a far amount at the beginning of the year for PE uniform, school supplies, etc, but our district doesn't have book fees, etc that I have heard about elsewhere. Elementary hasn't been nearly as bad. I would guess under $100 for my 2nd grader.


That said, it was a bit of sticker shock when we moved here, NC, from ME. The day I enrolled them, midway into the first quarter, I came home with "incidentals" of almost $50 for both kids. Scholastic readers, upcoming field trips, things like that. This school has a phenominally better and more active PTA, way more fundraisers than my old school, but it seems that parents are still spending a lot of extra out of pocket.


I'm still trying to decide if I can homeschool for less than I pay to school. I could definitely get curriculum for less than I have spent on my 6th grader, but that wouldn't include the type of field trips through school that money paid for.

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Well we reuse our books so I only spend about $200 or so for books each year buying used and getting things on paperbackswap.com and about $50 for school supplies, which I buy over the summer during the school supply sales at Walmart, Target, etc. I just spent about $100 on art supplies for three dc and some extra stuff thrown in for dh who likes to do the art classes along side our dc.:D


So $350 for all three. I am sure there are some added costs here and there but nothing substantial. We go to the library, do a lot of free stuff and even with field trips it doesn't add up to more than $450. :D:D


Ask this question again in a few months when I have to get a microscope and supplies for middle school science.:tongue_smilie:



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Well, I was thinking extracurricular things like piano, etc., wouldn't count because you would probably still do them if your child was in public school. They said 400.00 for materials, field trips, and other things that where the children are required or strongly urged to participate.


I was just pretty shocked. I know we have a good school system but I really don't know how some of the families around here spend that much per child.

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I spend a fair amount, but I find it difficult to sort out those things I would and would not buy if my kids were going to a traditional school. I mean: art supplies, books, craft and science kits, board games... We'd likely buy many of those anyway! We'd be required to buy various supplies, and while I might not buy the most textbook-y things, lol, if I had a child who was struggling, I might even buy those.

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