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Jazz, Blues, Folk, Classical...


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I've printed up some fantastic (long) lists of musicians by style, short of checking them out on youtube I'm wondering how I can use them?

Maybe what I'm wanting is a music curriculum? Does anything exist out there that's not just limited to classical? I'm imagining something that would spend a month or so on any given type of music, bringing in a little history, reading, or a little writing.

I know there are book and cd series for classical music, is there anything out there for jazz and other styles that aren't geared toward the younger set? I'm wanting this for my soon to be 6th grader.

Any thoughts or ideas?

Edited by helena
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I haven't found anything already put together. I just put together my own thing for the time period we are studying, i.e. we do jazz when we get to the 20's and 30's in American history. I read them a bio (found somewhere online) and have them listen to the music (also found online).

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There are some great resources out there for teaching the different periods/styles of music. A couple of good websites are Friendship House and Music Matters.


You can find a book for Jazz like this one. Exploring the Blues here. Here's an opera one. :) (I've always ended a unit on Opera with watching some of Bugs Bunny Opera)


If you need help on specific things, feel free to PM me. I've got a lot of resources in the area of music after many years of teaching general music and theater.

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I have tried to put something together on my own and have used "Listen to Learn" as a base to work from. It gives little bios on important musicians and parts of it are set up by genre. It was the best resource I could find to create a modern music study for my dc.


Thanks! This might be a good start. Is this a book that could be stretched out over a school year? Is it something I could use with my 3rd grader as well? How is the accompanying cd? How often is the author doing the singing?


Hope you don't mind so many question.

Thanks again-


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Smithsonian Folkways has anthologies of American folk music that present a chronological view. I did a quickie search and came up with a site that has some interesting international music plans (here). There might be more over there but I must run.



Thank you Jane, maybe what I ought to do is create a folder for music and just start gathering web-sites and photos (I love to put pictures up of people we're studying). I could easily use my list of folk artists to supplement music from youtube since the list is organized by country.

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There are some great resources out there for teaching the different periods/styles of music. A couple of good websites are Friendship House and Music Matters.


You can find a book for Jazz like this one. Exploring the Blues here. Here's an opera one. :) (I've always ended a unit on Opera with watching some of Bugs Bunny Opera)


If you need help on specific things, feel free to PM me. I've got a lot of resources in the area of music after many years of teaching general music and theater.


I just found out that Friendship House is a vendor at our charter school, thank you for turning me on to that. I'm freaking out over the jazz book! Amazon has great page samples. The blues book had audio samples and it sounds good.

Can you let me know the title of the opera book? The link didn't work.

Are there any other books or materials you might suggest on opera for children?



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