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May I share a bit? These past two weeks have been overwhelming [CC]

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So two weeks ago a new [2years] and quickly becoming dear friend lost her term baby during delivery. I guess due the timing [almost exactly a year since my last loss] or just that I have a little understanding of this pain that it hit me hard. I have been praying and doing all I can for this precious family.


Plus, it looks like that house we were looking to lease with an option to buy in two years is actually becoming a purchase now! Eeek! So we are going back and forth with realtors and mtge people.


Two of my kids went all the way through Memory Masters for Classical Conversations. My dd[6] wasn't up to it and is intensely sad. She wanted it so bad, but just couldn't get it. We are so proud of all kids.


My sister is planning her own 50th b-day party this coming Sat. and my husband is now going to fly to NJ for his Aunt and Uncle's 70th & 80th b-day the same day.


My May is almost all booked. My June is all booked. I have 5 weeks of Challenge left to tutor and am trying desperately to read at least 5 books at once in order to better home educate my children.


I am beyond stressed. And yet, I am so very aware of the goodness and sovereignty of God.


Is it normal to want to cry from it all and feel joy at the same time? IDK, like I said, just a little overwhelmed right now.


Thanks for letting me get that all off my chest. Now for the ice cream. :D

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I'm sorry for your friend- how awful..... and hope that she can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Your example will convince her of that, I'm sure.....I had one miscarriage 24 years ago and had 3 more children since then.....there's not a week goes by that I'm not reminded of our missing little one. No matter how far along one is, there is loss. And it's. SAD.


Six years old is YOUNG to even attempt MM! Wow. If I knew her, I'd give her a HUGE hug for even trying. What a smart, brave little girl! My son was a MM a few times and I know how much work it is. Our Challenge program ends Th- we're working hard towards the finish line- I can imagine how much work you've put in. I tutored in F for 3 years- hard work, but gratifying.

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