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Phonics Road is a hit!


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PR1 is going great with ds7! It is absolutely the perfect program for his learning type. He loves the songs, and marking the words. He is pretty picky, so the fact that he likes this says a lot! I never thought he'd like *anything* but math!


We are on Week 6 (smooshed the first four weeks down some-it was easy for him to learn the phonos, and we review them every day in different ways-writing, oral quizzing, magnet tiles, etc) I give him a one-sentence dictation every day that I make up out of previous words, and also review several of the "old" spelling words each day before moving on to the new. I'm hoping that will boost retention.


The DVDs are very helpful for me to know how to teach it-I didn't think I'd like them, but I do! I am pretty familiar with the process from SWR, so that has helped me feel very comfortable with it, but even if I weren't, the DVDs are foolproof! I love how the week is broken down into days too. This is the program that I had hoped SWR would be.


The BEST part for me is the streamlining-we are hitting phonics, spelling, handwriting, dictation, etc., all in one quick and easy stop! It will be nice too when they add in grammar in PR2, but what they cover in PR1 is perfect for us right now. I plan to continue all through the summer to "catch us up" so that he can maybe start PR2 in late October or so and stay "on level"-although I do think PR1 covers quite a lot! As a matter of fact, I would NOT recommend it for a young learner. It moves pretty quickly, and I wonder how effective it would be for actually teaching reading. I think the building codes, etc., would be hard for a dc that is learning to read (and I thought that about SWR too-that the reference pages, etc, were advanced.) I think PR1 is a perfect fit to solidify phonics and start spelling, which is what we're using it for! Thank you to everyone on here that recommended it!

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Oh I am SOOOOO happy for you. I am really hoping this post works. My Internet access is down (until Verizon shows up on Sunday - ICK) so I'm trying to post from my phone. But I just had to say how happy I am for you. I am having the same 'this is perfect for this child' experience. She begs to do it every day - even on the weekends. And I'm seeing it affect her spelling already. When she writes for other things, I can hear her talking to herself about the rules and thinking through how to spell. I am so glad it's going just as well for you. I couldn't be happier.



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We are really enjoying it as well. We are on week 8 (had to take a break when the new babe arrived!). The kids are really enjoying it and I can see spelling click for my daughter. What used to just not make any sense is beginning to have reason. I particularly love the logic that is needed to break words into parts and to then put them back together. I am still having my son go through the Reading Pathways books to build fluency, but I know this will eliminate the spelling problems we've had with my oldest!


We are back at school a little earlier than I though we would be because *I* really enjoy teaching it, too! It's a win/win for everyone around here.


My almost 3yo. is playing playdough while we do the lessons and she's learning the rule tunes along with the older children. Poor thing isn't going to know the real version of "Old MacDonald"...she's going to start belting out "Silent Final E, SIlent Final E" :lol:

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Guest aquiverfull

YAY!! So glad it's working so well for you. I had planned on beginning in the fall but we couldn't wait. We started Monday and we worked through weeks 1 & 2, learning the phonograms. My 5 year old joined in on her own accord and she is really enjoying it as well. I quizzed her on the phonograms today in a casual way and she knew all them introduced in the first 2 weeks. I'm still debating on having her continue with us or hold her back another year. I know she's anxious to learn but I worry about rushing. I'm just afraid we will hit a wall at some point and stall out if I begin too early. It really looks like it makes a pretty big jump from level 1 to 2.


Earlier in the week I received PR Level 2. It's amazing!! I'm so glad that I chose this program. It's so comprehensive. I love the dvds. My children love the songs, my 3 year old has learned "Base words do not end in I" from the other children singing it, and believe it or not even my not quite 1 1/2 year old is trying to sing them too. It's so cute!!

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What we have done is a hit. But with Easter and strep going through the house, school has been on hold.


I ordered level 3 and 4 on the Adoremus sale last week. They will be here on Wednesday. It will be good to see the whole program. I can't forecast grade levels so it is difficult to set up plans. And I need plans.

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