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Handwriting & copywork.. what grade to stop at???

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my dd is just finishing up 5th grade. we are currently doing Queens for copy work and penwrite for handwriting. her print is not bad, not excellent unless i stress to print as neat as possible. her cursive is ok as well. not great again unless i stress for neatness.


im wondering if i should continue both for 6th grade??? or attempt something else? or just not worry about handwriting anymore??


thoughts? thanks! :lurk5:

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My fourth grader only does handwriting/penmanship targeted writing when I notice she's getting a bit too.. relaxed, in her other lessons. That happens about once or twice a year. I'll put some focus on it for a couple/few weeks if reminders don't work.


I've assigned copywork as the handwriting since my kids were pretty little and haven't separated them. As they grow it morphs into dictation too.

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is your copywork done in both manuscript and cursive???


For the 9yo it can be either, but she's expected to write in cursive as she copies. Most of the time her model is in print, as I don't write it out for her anymore. In the past I've had her use a vintage writing book from Google Books. Those copy assignments were in cursive.


My littles will just do print until it's time for them to do cursive. When they're fluent enough in cursive I'll switch their copywork over.

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My kids are still young, but my plan is to do handwriting until at least 5th grade, the latest 6th grade, and never stop copywork.


IMO copywork is a valuable tool, whether you're copying a simple poem or some of the best sentences ever written. University level copywork would be expected in high school too, to get used to the higher level of the use of the English language. I will also have ds and dd copy paragraphs from Charlotte Mason's Education series, especially Ourselves. Pride and Prejudice I remember had noteworthy play of words and good conversation.


When I took a copywriting course, it was important to copy others' work and get a feel for the language and style before developing your own. I can attest to the same in singing and dancing.

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