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I really feel like whining - does anyone want to join me...

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in a thankful thread?


I'm thankful to have friends who communicate the love and grace of Jesus in the way they live and speak and relate to people.


I'm thankful for my husband. I'm also thankful that we grow closer every year.


I'm thankful for really cool work opportunities and for the ability to work my own hours.


I'm thankful for our amazing church family. We truly feel at home there.


I'm thankful for my four healthy, funny children. I love being home with them and I've had so much fun homeschooling them.


Oh, and I'm also thankful for great neighbours and mils :)


Ah, there. I feel much less like whining now.


What are you thankful for?

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Oh rats. I was hoping this would be a whining thread because I feel whiny too. Now I have to be all grateful and stuff. Grumble, grumble, groan. ;)


I'm thankful that your thread reminded me that I really don't have all that much to whine about.


I'm thankful for a warm home, healthy food to eat and clean water to drink.


I am thankful that the book I'd requested from the library was worth the wait.


I am thankful for my neighbor mom who invited us over to play and chat. Sitting in the sun with iced tea was a short refreshing break from my hectic week that I didn't even know I needed.


I'm thankful that my children are funny, loving and loveable, and asleep.


I'm thankful for my cozy bed, because that's where I'm headed after a busy day.


I hate to admit it, but I do feel a little better. (Bet I could still squeeze a few whines out, though.)



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Rats- can I have a whine first? I have been planning to go away to a music festival this weekend- on my own- in our new (small) motorhome. Dh and I have been making it nice for me and I have been so excited. I was due to leave tomorrow morning- we just took it for a short run. And it broke down. Could be miraculously fixed tomorrow...unlikely though. Probabyl needs major gear box repairs.

I could tent it. I am not happy about that. Dont feel like going now, even though I bought my ticket. I am not happy right now. You could say I am sulking.


On the bright side...I am thankful that it didn't breakdown while I was driving TO the music festival.

If anyone feels like joining me in praying for the van to be fixed quickly tomorrow, please feel free.



OK, I have a lot of other thngs to be thankful for- a beautiful family, food in my belly, a new art room for me, health, dental work today...a compassionate husband who feels VERY sorry for me right now. I do want to stamp my foot a bit more, though.

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Oh what? I wanted to whine too!


Dh has had a nibble for a job which we thought would actually become a proper job, but it's only going to be casual with a view to becoming permanent full time. Sometime, probably, maybe, hopefully, you're the type we want but it depends on funding, possibly, maybe, we'll have to see.


But since we're supposed to be thinking of things to be grateful for, I am grateful that we can afford to be unemployed. Not everyone can, but it happens to them anyway.



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