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Math fustrations.


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I am a bit frustrated with my little one. She is 6 1/2 and finishing 1 grade. We were using Horizons 1 with Saxon 2 for math this year. Just prior to Christmas, I saw her really struggling. Math was not clicking. I could tell that she just could not see math and was just going through the workbook pages.


I decided to switch her to MUS. We started Alpha in Jan. That opened doors for her in regards to place value and addition. But we are at a stopping point as dd needs to get her facts memorized, before we move on. We are working on that now and just playing math games for the last three weeks.


I have some concerns with continuing with MUS as our only math curriculum. Today, dd came to me and asked to go back to her other math programs or something different. She misses doing all the other type of math --the variety in saxon and horizons. Prior to changing MUS, dd was combining and counting pennies, nickles, and dimes...today should could not do it at all. She could count them separately by ones, fives, and tens but had a hard time combining. I see that she needs constant practice to help with her retention.


I gave her the K12 math test today more to just see. She tested into 1 grade second semester, right where we left off on the other books. What would you all suggest? Pick the horizons and saxon back up where we left off, stick with MUS, or something completely different? I am open at this point.



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I would go play around at the MEP math website; print up a practice book or two and see if you like it. Maybe print up a level that you know for certain she can do to build up some confidence. 




What is MEP? Or do you have a link? and off to look at CLE.



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I see that MLP looks like a British math program, am I correct? That is fine with me but do you think that the levels are the same as here in the US? In looking at the level 1, I know that she could do a good 75% on her own.


Is it then that some math programs here in the states are requiring too much at a young age?


Humm, just some thoughts.



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I see that MLP looks like a British math program, am I correct? That is fine with me but do you think that the levels are the same as here in the US? In looking at the level 1, I know that she could do a good 75% on her own.


Is it then that some math programs here in the states are requiring too much at a young age?


Humm, just some thoughts.




Level 1 is kindergarten in the UK. My kindergartner started MEP 1A in preschool and is now mid-way through 1B. With the exception of some of the "one to one" correspondence type problems I think MEP is more comparable to what most people would consider First Grade math here in the USA.


There are some deceptively challenging (and fun) problems in MEP 1A that you might not want to skip. I'd advice "cherry-picking."



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I really like what I see of the MEP,program. It really has tons of "thinking" in it! I love that it is free!! I see me using this.


Here is my question, as I was quickly scanning the boards, it seems like people are combining this with other math programs or using multiple math programs. Would this be a stand alone math or what should I combine it with???



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I really like what I see of the MEP,program. It really has tons of "thinking" in it! I love that it is free!! I see me using this.


Here is my question, as I was quickly scanning the boards, it seems like people are combining this with other math programs or using multiple math programs. Would this be a stand alone math or what should I combine it with???




Honestly, I think it's fine as a stand alone, but as homeschoolers, we like *more*. I've always had 2-3 programs going, not because of completeness, but to try new things, to challenge, and in the case with my 11yo, to slow her down some.


As you go along a whatever program you choose, you can then decide if the child needs more of something. I've got a handful of things I'm considering to use with MEP for later: Singapore, Miquon, and Right Start. My eldest did Singapore and Miquon for elementary, but Right Start always intrigued me. I just didn't want to pay for it. :tongue_smilie:

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I really like what I see of the MEP,program. It really has tons of "thinking" in it! I love that it is free!! I see me using this.


Here is my question, as I was quickly scanning the boards, it seems like people are combining this with other math programs or using multiple math programs. Would this be a stand alone math or what should I combine it with???




I'm one of those MEP users who's using multiple programs.


I was really pleased we started Miquon in pre-k as it gave an age appropriate exposure to math as a *thinking* discipline, and a fun one to boot. At 6.5? Maybe, maybe not.


Singapore (Primary Math) very nicely compliments MEP as it's strengths (Model Method, mental math, math strategies, bar diagrams to solve word problems) acts synergistically with the strengths of MEP in logic and reasoning.


That said I certainly think MEP could be used as a "stand-alone" program (and a darn good one), especially if you do all the Lesson Plan activities. My one regret is I don't have the time to do them all and have to pick and choose.


Best wishes in you MEP journey!



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