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What should we use before Cambridge Latin?

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Our goal is to use Cambridge Latin for High School but what should we do before? Or what comes before Cambridge Latin? And what is the youngest that you would use Cabridge Latin (or set of skills)?


Right now she is doing very well with Minimus. But what should we do between Minimus and Cambridge?



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Cambridge can be used with children in 6th, and some have used it w/children as early as 5th gr., so you don't have to wait until high school to use it.


I have not used Minimus, but I hear that Secundus is the next level after Minimus.


Lively Latin is also a popular program for younger children.

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We will be using Getting Started with Latin, but it's mostly because I won it in a raffle! (The Cambridge was given to me by an uncle who teaches ps high school using it!)


I'm going to keep an eye on this thread for recommendations! It was recommended to me by several people to include some sort of "traditional" method spine and use the Cambridge as readers... but that may've been because I'd mentioned our reading comprehension issues. (And my son is just starting 4th grade, so there's a difference there.)

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Well, there is Minimus Secundus.

You dont need to wait till highschool to use Cambridge. It was written originally in Britain for ages 11 up, and I have seen 9years olds start with it, with help, going slowly. My 13yo is 2/3 of the way through book 3.

However, I can say, that if you really want to start with something else, Latin Prep is good and goes well with Cambridge.

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Thanks, this is what I need to know.


So it can go like this:



3rd/4th--Secundus (looking at Learning Latin Through Mythology combo)

5th--Cambridge begin Unit 1 and take it slowly and finish up with Unit 5 sometime in mid to late high school.


Great--now I am set and don't have to research this anymore. I was looking at Salvete yesterday but it looks like it is pretty much unavailable now as a transition.


Thanks again.:001_smile:

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