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IEW-Could someone explain?


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I've just discovered IEW on the internet and have spent a lot of time looking over the IEW website. I've not been able to find an explanation of how to implement the program. I get that the TWSS is the first step, but is that only for the teacher or is there something in that part for the student, too? Then where do you go from there? Can you pick and choose or is this a program that works better in a certain sequence. What about Windows to the World--is that something that should only come after TWSS and SWI or can it be used with SWI or in any order. Help, my head is spinning. Thanks.:lol:

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The TWSS is for the teacher to watch. It shows you step by step how to teach the program. The SWI's are for the student to watch and then go apply what they were taught. Some people have used the SWI without the TWSS, but you are supposed to watch the TWSS while the kids watch SWI. A levels are 3-5 grades, B for 6-9, and C for 9+. The theme books like history can be done instead of the SWI, it depends on your kids ages and what they like. Windows to the World is a high school level to be done after you have done a year (or more) with the program. You can just get the TWSS and makeup the assignments yourself if you like that sort of stuff.

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The TWSS is for the teacher to watch. It shows you step by step how to teach the program. The SWI's are for the student to watch and then go apply what they were taught. Some people have used the SWI without the TWSS, but you are supposed to watch the TWSS while the kids watch SWI. A levels are 3-5 grades, B for 6-9, and C for 9+. The theme books like history can be done instead of the SWI, it depends on your kids ages and what they like. Windows to the World is a high school level to be done after you have done a year (or more) with the program. You can just get the TWSS and makeup the assignments yourself if you like that sort of stuff.


:iagree: We've been doing the SWI B this year with dd13 and ds10 (almost 11). They have enjoyed it, I have enjoyed not having to inrtoduce the concepts because of the dvd. Obviously, I assist and help and read and grade, but I don't originally introduce the concepts.


Next year (now that I've watched the TWSS and used an SWI for a year) I plan on using SWB's writing lectures (from Peace Hill Press) and an IEW Medieval Based Theme book and do all (or most of) our writing from our history/literature studies. I would not have attempted this my first year teaching IEW, but I don't have any confidence in myself when it comes to teaching writing. If you do, you can just watch the TWSS dvds and get all your assignments from your other subjects (like literature/history/science).

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There is a great IEW message board on Yahoo: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IEWfamilies/messages?o=1&yguid=158644502


There you can find advice and ideas of how to implement the program.


Like the other posters said, you could just use the TWSS and do IEW by yourself. You would watch the video and then teach it to your children. There are some material included with TWSS, but you would also find some passages and ideas on your own for your children to use.


My son did IEW via a co-op and they used SWI B. I like the method of having Andrew Pudewa teach instead of me! However, the class did go a bit fast for DS so I had to do lots of supplemental teaching at home. Plus, he forgot quite a bit of it over the summer.


Several people have good luck with the theme books and I am considering the history ones in the future myself.

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I personally found the TWSS to be confusing. When I watched the student dvd which showed Andrew Peduwa teaching the actual lesson to students it made a lot more sense. I then could use the TWSS dvd for my own use if I needed more explanation. How much more simple can you get than just showing me what the kids need to know? I say watch the student dvd's and you'll have a really good idea of what is going on. Ruby

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The TWSS is for the teacher to watch. It shows you step by step how to teach the program. The SWI's are for the student to watch and then go apply what they were taught. Some people have used the SWI without the TWSS, but you are supposed to watch the TWSS while the kids watch SWI. A levels are 3-5 grades, B for 6-9, and C for 9+. The theme books like history can be done instead of the SWI, it depends on your kids ages and what they like. Windows to the World is a high school level to be done after you have done a year (or more) with the program. You can just get the TWSS and makeup the assignments yourself if you like that sort of stuff.


What if you have a child in 7th grade that hasn't done much writing and still doesn't even write paragraphs very well? Would that child need to start with level A?

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It is generally accepted to start in your kid's grade level, not level "A". All three of the SWI start at the very beginning. The difference seems to be the speed at which they move. So a kid in level B would end up further than a kid in level A at the end of the year. My son had basically no writing instruction and has done quite well with SWI B in middle school.

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It is generally accepted to start in your kid's grade level, not level "A". All three of the SWI start at the very beginning. The difference seems to be the speed at which they move. So a kid in level B would end up further than a kid in level A at the end of the year. My son had basically no writing instruction and has done quite well with SWI B in middle school.



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