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MFW--Info. on their World History

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I am doing Truthquest with dd next year for 9th, and am a bit afraid of how it will go, seeing as how we both do better with things laid out to help keep us on track.


I am trying to find info. about MFW World History & Lit. for 10th, but I only see info. about ECC and Highschool Ancients.


Some background: DD loves reading. She's a bit "behind" on Grammar, and does not like writing all that much. She is quite self-motivated, though, and is wanting to work hard and do well in hughschool.


Has anyone done the World History that can tell me more about it, and/or point me in a direction to find more info. about it?


If she has not had a bunch of writing classes will this be too much for her?


If she's a bit behind in grammar, will she be able to do okay?


Would we buy the Notgrass books on our own somewhere?


Can you share your experiences, things to look for, things you've learned about it, how it worked for you, etc.


Thankyou soooo much!:001_smile:

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I'm using the World History program with my highschoolers this year (I have a 10th grader and an 11th grader). Here's the link directly to MFW where you can read more. http://www.mfwbooks.com/highschool-whl.html


I think that I read somewhere that MFW recommends that if your highschooler is not a strong writer you may want to work through Writing Strands 4 in prep for their courses. My kids found that the first weeks were the worst for them because they schedule a research paper right off the bat. This was a challenge for both of mine but we made it through using the Write Source book as a reference. The rest of the writing assignments have been challenging but not impossible. There are lots of essays based upon the literature assignments. I'm only recalling one writing assignment that was really based on the history portion - an assignment to write a letter to a friend who had just informed you that she was thinking of becoming Muslim. That was an interesting assignment that really made them think through what they believed.


There is really no grammar included in the course - although the Notgrass book has a grammar checkpoint every once in a while. We have added in grammar because I just didn't feel comfortable abadoning it completely.


I purchased the Notgrass books from MFW but you could purchase them from anywhere you wanted.


We have absolutely loved using this program this year - to be honest, I think it's the first program we've really enjoyed for the entire time we've used it. I can't wait to get ahold of Year 3 for next year. My kids have made me promise that we'll do MFW again next year. I've used Sonlight, TOG and others (yes, I'm a curriculum junkie) but MFW has been a perfect fit for our family. The program is designed to be used very independently. The TM has notes written directly to the student (as well as a few to the parent) so they can really pick up the scheudle and go.


If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

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Well, my dd is currently doing AHL, but will be doing WHL next year. Grammar is covered fairly extensively in AHL because there are grammar lessons included in the Lit Supplement, but she's also doing Easy Grammar Plus because that's a weak area for her.


I think with Writer's INC you'll be fine for the writing component. I would suggest having your dd go through Writing Strands level 4 next year, though. The lesson plans in MFW high school are very clear, so you should be able to walk her through the areas where she needs hand-holding alright.


Is there a reason she isn't doing AHL? That would be a good stepping stone before starting WHL.

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Thankyou Donna!


We did 2 years of Ancients in gradeschool/Jr. high, and haven't had Middle Ages/Renaissance & Ref. time periods yet, so she wanted to do that. I MAY reconsider though..... Do the levels progress? Is AHL a little less rigorous than WHL? She's had a pretty easy time of gradeschool/Jr. High, so I don't want it to be TOO rigorous right off the bat.....or maybe I do??? Now I'm confused! :)


If I have a hard time grading writing (the reason she's behind is because I'm not a good writer and have a hard time grading papers!), will that affect her working through Writing Strands 4?

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Thankyou Donna!


We did 2 years of Ancients in gradeschool/Jr. high, and haven't had Middle Ages/Renaissance & Ref. time periods yet, so she wanted to do that. I MAY reconsider though..... Do the levels progress? Is AHL a little less rigorous than WHL? She's had a pretty easy time of gradeschool/Jr. High, so I don't want it to be TOO rigorous right off the bat.....or maybe I do??? Now I'm confused! :)


Yes, AHL is less rigorous than WHL, but definitely tougher than elementary! There's a progression as you're preparing the student for college.


MFW AHL is even different than MFW's own elementary Ancients program, so I'm guessing it would probably be different from whatever program you've used, too. One of the biggest differences is how English is integrated into the history and Bible lessons. Here's a link to a thread where I typed out some details about our first 4 weeks in AHL, as well as what the Lit/Composition Supplement is comprised of: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=162788


If I have a hard time grading writing (the reason she's behind is because I'm not a good writer and have a hard time grading papers!), will that affect her working through Writing Strands 4?
No, because WS is written primarily to the student and he gives step-by-step instructions as to what to watch out for, has the student go back over their work to reconsider what they've written, etc. They learn how to do a lot of their own editing and rewriting. However, you might find the book Evaluating Writing helpful for your own benefit.


I'm not good at grading papers, either. I know what to look for (esp thanks to the instructions in the Lit/Composition Supplement!), but I have a hard time assessing a grade for it. If she does a great job and I assign an "A", I feel like it's going to look like I was prejudiced! :tongue_smilie: I will say, though, that the Lit/Composition Supplement that comes with AHL is very clear, so there's no mistaking what I'm supposed to be looking for or how to grade it. I did decide to have someone in our church look over her papers in order to provide a more objective viewpoint. That way, at least I know whether MY grading is halfway accurate or not. ;)

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Oh mannnn, now I'm leaning toward geting AHL! I really do want to have her progress to more and more rigorous with accountability as she progresses through high school. What we have now would make her and I accountable for this next year, and I've been a little unsure of it.


Hmmmm, to get AHL or not, is the question? I guess, first I need to see if we can afford it. Then I need to see if she's interested in Ancients. The more I think about it, the more I like the accountability! I'll have to re-visit that possibility!


Thanks for the info.!

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We did 2 years of Ancients in gradeschool/Jr. high, and haven't had Middle Ages/Renaissance & Ref. time periods yet, so she wanted to do that.
I just got an idea. I totally understand this, as this was my oldest dd in elementary, which is why she never did MFW CTG. (We started with Adventures and then jumped to RTR, as she'd done ancients with another program prior to our finding MFW.)


MFW uses Notgrass World History as the main history spine in both AHL and WHL. What if your dd did AHL, and while doing that, she could jump ahead in the Notgrass book and read the MA/Ren/Ref stuff on her own time? Maybe that would help satisfy her curiosity (and whet her appetite even more! ;) ) while she's working through AHL. That would also help give her a more seamless transition from AHL to WHL by using the Notgrass spine and MFW lesson plans for the first year (since Notgrass is also used in WHL).


And I don't work for MFW, btw, so it doesn't affect me either way whether you do AHL or not. :tongue_smilie: I'm just thrilled that we decided to give AHL a try at our house! I wasn't going to do it. Thought I could save money, avoid some potentially controversial books, use something else for language arts, read through the Bible on our own, and keep things simple for the first year of h.s. by buying Notgrass separately and doing our own thing. However, it didn't take long for me to realize a few things:


- I needed help with the teaching and grading of her writing, which she definitely needed to be doing more of.


- I had neither the time nor motivation to write out lesson plans for her. She likes to get up and get going in the morning and loves having her own schedule, but I wasn't up to doing it all from scratch.


- I was quickly finding myself buying this resource, that book, etc. and got frustrated piecing it together. Finally, I was like, WHY am I reinventing the wheel here? :001_huh: Plus I like the security of knowing that she's getting 3 full credits in three required subjects JUST by following the lesson plans in MFW.... big weight off my shoulders! Notgrass didn't feel like it was worth 3 full credits (though it claims to be), so that was part of why I was trying to bring in more resources than what it has suggested. MFW takes care of that for me.


Oh, and this is just an aside.... You know what happened to my dd once we finally DID study the MA/Ren/Ref in elementary? She decided it wasn't her favorite time period anymore. :lol: Once she realized it wasn't all beauty and glory surrounding queens and kings and castles, it was a big disappointment to her. LOL

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I just got an idea. I totally understand this, as this was my oldest dd in elementary, which is why she never did MFW CTG. (We started with Adventures and then jumped to RTR, as she'd done ancients with another program prior to our finding MFW.)


MFW uses Notgrass World History as the main history spine in both AHL and WHL. What if your dd did AHL, and while doing that, she could jump ahead in the Notgrass book and read the MA/Ren/Ref stuff on her own time? Maybe that would help satisfy her curiosity (and whet her appetite even more! ;) ) while she's working through AHL. That would also help give her a more seamless transition from AHL to WHL by using the Notgrass spine and MFW lesson plans for the first year (since Notgrass is also used in WHL).


And I don't work for MFW, btw, so it doesn't affect me either way whether you do AHL or not. :tongue_smilie: I'm just thrilled that we decided to give AHL a try at our house! I wasn't going to do it. Thought I could save money, avoid some potentially controversial books, use something else for language arts, read through the Bible on our own, and keep things simple for the first year of h.s. by buying Notgrass separately and doing our own thing. However, it didn't take long for me to realize a few things:


- I needed help with the teaching and grading of her writing, which she definitely needed to be doing more of.


- I had neither the time nor motivation to write out lesson plans for her. She likes to get up and get going in the morning and loves having her own schedule, but I wasn't up to doing it all from scratch.


- I was quickly finding myself buying this resource, that book, etc. and got frustrated piecing it together. Finally, I was like, WHY am I reinventing the wheel here? :001_huh: Plus I like the security of knowing that she's getting 3 full credits in three required subjects JUST by following the lesson plans in MFW.... big weight off my shoulders! Notgrass didn't feel like it was worth 3 full credits (though it claims to be), so that was part of why I was trying to bring in more resources than what it has suggested. MFW takes care of that for me.


Oh, and this is just an aside.... You know what happened to my dd once we finally DID study the MA/Ren/Ref in elementary? She decided it wasn't her favorite time period anymore. :lol: Once she realized it wasn't all beauty and glory surrounding queens and kings and castles, it was a big disappointment to her. LOL

Yeah, see, that's what I was afraid would happen to us! And I like having it all planned out too!


I actually already bought the Truthquest Middle Ages and Renaissance, Reformation & Exploration books to do next year. She could go through some of that at her leisure this summer, maybe.


So, the Notgrass does Ren./Ref.? Do they have a class for that time period, or is it covered in World History? I think that time period is the only period we haven't studied, so I think dd just wanted to "plug the hole" in her history of history! :D If it's covered in World history, then that would satisfy that "hole", right?

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So, the Notgrass does Ren./Ref.? Do they have a class for that time period, or is it covered in World History? I think that time period is the only period we haven't studied, so I think dd just wanted to "plug the hole" in her history of history! :D If it's covered in World history, then that would satisfy that "hole", right?


Yep! That's covered in WHL, in-depth along with church history.


I actually already bought the Truthquest Middle Ages and Renaissance, Reformation & Exploration books to do next year. She could go through some of that at her leisure this summer, maybe.
Now that's not a bad idea! ;) Maybe not have her do the ThinkWrite exercises, but just use the guides for reading material over the summer....
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Yep! That's covered in WHL, in-depth along with church history.


Now that's not a bad idea! ;) Maybe not have her do the ThinkWrite exercises, but just use the guides for reading material over the summer....

I just asked her what she thought about doing the Ancient History next year, and showed her the MFW stuff. She said she'd be fine with that! :001_smile: Hmmmmmm.... :D


Donna, I really appreciate all your help! Thanks for sharing!

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Just a note.... My dd is finishing up AHL for her 10th gr year. We did another ancients program for 9th grade, but it wasn't working for us. At first she was discouraged about doing Ancients again and she is glad it's almost over, but she has learned so much! She has LOVED doing AHL! She loves being independent and not having to wait around on me. We have enjoyed our conversations about all of her reading. There is alot of reading! She has gained so much in maturity, responsibility and has really broadened her ability to think through ideas and begin to build a foundation of what she believes. I love that MFW uses the Bible so much in this course. It balances all of the other darker readings with what God says in His Word.


We will do WHL this year for 11th, but she is concerned about the last two years of MFW,because that will throw her off a year to graduate. Not that I mind, but she does. So, we may do some of the readings through summer, so she won't be a complete year behind.


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Just a note.... My dd is finishing up AHL for her 10th gr year. We did another ancients program for 9th grade, but it wasn't working for us. At first she was discouraged about doing Ancients again and she is glad it's almost over, but she has learned so much! She has LOVED doing AHL! She loves being independent and not having to wait around on me. We have enjoyed our conversations about all of her reading. There is alot of reading! She has gained so much in maturity, responsibility and has really broadened her ability to think through ideas and begin to build a foundation of what she believes. I love that MFW uses the Bible so much in this course. It balances all of the other darker readings with what God says in His Word.


We will do WHL this year for 11th, but she is concerned about the last two years of MFW,because that will throw her off a year to graduate. Not that I mind, but she does. So, we may do some of the readings through summer, so she won't be a complete year behind.


Wow, thank you Nicole! I'm of the same mind about the Bible! I WANT my dd to have that exposure too! My dd is in the same boat about ancients, but it's good to see how your dd has grown and learned so much! I am praying for the same for my dd!


Does MFW have 4 years of stuff? I thought it was just 3. I'll have to go check it out again!


Nicole, do you have the lesson plans or lit. supplement that you'd want to sell? I still need to buy those.

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Yes, Brindee, there will be four years of high school from MFW. Year 3 is complete, or almost complete now. If someone needs it before June, they can call the office.


*So far* they've been on track to complete each year's program in one year's time. :001_smile: Well, it's not really just one year per program.... when I say one year each, I'm referring to the anticipated publication date. But each program is piloted and pre-piloted by several families for at least two years before it ever makes it onto the website. So this has been in the works for a long time already.

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Hi-- i have used other years of MFW and while it wasn't a great fit at the time, we have returned. My 13 yearold will be doing Ancients for 9th grade and i have looked over it---she loves it! I did order Not Grass, odyssey, new answer book to look over before order the package. When i ordreed, i simply left out the books i already had. I am really looking forward to next year with her-she will learn alot and i am sure will develop good study skills.! I am also adding Analytical Grammar since we are almost through it.


I have also returned to ECC with my younger kids-it is going well.


good luck with your decision!!


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Yes, Brindee, there will be four years of high school from MFW. Year 3 is complete, or almost complete now. If someone needs it before June, they can call the office.


*So far* they've been on track to complete each year's program in one year's time. :001_smile: Well, it's not really just one year per program.... when I say one year each, I'm referring to the anticipated publication date. But each program is piloted and pre-piloted by several families for at least two years before it ever makes it onto the website. So this has been in the works for a long time already.

So, since my dd will be in 9th next year, that means by the time she gets to grade 12, it should be done, right? Cool! I'm hoping this works out well! It seems like such a neat program!
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Hi-- i have used other years of MFW and while it wasn't a great fit at the time, we have returned. My 13 yearold will be doing Ancients for 9th grade and i have looked over it---she loves it! I did order Not Grass, odyssey, new answer book to look over before order the package. When i ordreed, i simply left out the books i already had. I am really looking forward to next year with her-she will learn alot and i am sure will develop good study skills.! I am also adding Analytical Grammar since we are almost through it.


I have also returned to ECC with my younger kids-it is going well.


good luck with your decision!!


Thanks! I HAVE decided to do the MFW Ancients, and already have some of the books. I'm down to the Notgrass, Daily Lesson Plans, Lit. Supplement, Timeline Figures, and a couple of other things! :001_smile:
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I have a question about the Notgrass: Does MFW use all three books that Notgrass sells for their World History? It doesn't look like I can buy just one of the books, is that right?


What MFW sells in the package--Is that just one Notgrass book?

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I was considering year 2 of MFW for medieval/ren./ref. until I realized that year 2 is actually world history to present times. DS is doing 20th century history this year so he does not need to cover that era again. I am thinking of getting the guide and using the Bible section. Here is what I am thinking of using:

Smarr Literature year 2

SWB new Medieval World, another text for renaissance, Truthquest for historical fiction suggestions, putting together my own schedule with notebooking worksheets and projects

For Bible I would like to study the history of Christianity which would include the reformation period. Still looking at possibilities.


Just something else to think about. :)

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Wow, see, I have such a hard time pulling stuff together like that! I wish I could, but I start getting lost! I like the way you have pulled things together to make a program specifically for what you need!


Thankyou for sharing that, those are great resources!

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I was considering year 2 of MFW for medieval/ren./ref. until I realized that year 2 is actually world history to present times. DS is doing 20th century history this year so he does not need to cover that era again. I am thinking of getting the guide and using the Bible section. Here is what I am thinking of using:

Smarr Literature year 2

SWB new Medieval World, another text for renaissance, Truthquest for historical fiction suggestions, putting together my own schedule with notebooking worksheets and projects

For Bible I would like to study the history of Christianity which would include the reformation period. Still looking at possibilities.


Just something else to think about. :)


Cheryl, you might want to call them and ask specifically how much of modern times is covered, because I doubt they go in-depth with it. It's the second half of a world history course (first half is done in year 1), so they couldn't possibly spend *too* much time in the modern era, kwim? I'm betting you just touch on highlights toward the end of the year. Hold on, let me check my Notgrass and see what *that* covers at that point in the course....


Okay, it looks to me like many of the last several chapters in Notgrass 2nd volume are topical, i.e., a chapter on grace, a chapter on helping the poor, a chapter on justice, a chapter on homeschooling.... Plus some chapters on other cultures (non-American). Thus, I wouldn't rule out MFW year 2 just because it reaches into the modern era a bit. ;) Matter of fact, I'm not even sure how much of that volume MFW uses or how the volume/lessons are arranged in MFW lesson plans, as they don't have the Table of Contents up on the website.


If you're even remotely interested in MFW for high school, please call them to ask some questions about this. :)

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  • 1 month later...

I am getting awfully curious about MFW for high school. We haven't used MFW before. But I'm reading interesting things here and popped over to their website to get a better look.


There are two books they use in the Bible category that I would want to substitute: Purpose Driven Life and Experiencing God. Can anyone give some thoughts as to how difficult that would be? Do these tie in overly much with the lit/history aspect? I'm thinking I could pick my substitute title, break down the reading assignments to begin and end with the MFW selection. Of course, I would need to find my own teaching notes and assignments for the substitute titles. Any experienced users out there think this would be workable?

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You can easily sub out the PDL book. It's scheduled to be read alongside the books of Ecclesiastes, Psalms, Songs... those "wisdom books" of the Bible. PDL really isn't even necessary, IMO. You don't "do" anything with it except read it. Thus, you could substitute something else, or just skip it completely if your student is needing a bit of a break at that point.


If you do sub another book here, I don't think you need any teacher's notes or study guide since it's just an extra reading.


I can't say about the Blackaby book because we aren't there yet. I would suspect it's more integral to the schedule, though, because it's a study guide and is probably used the same way the OT Challenge book is used in AHL (daily lessons for much of the year). But like I said, we aren't there yet, so I don't know how easy it is to sub out.

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No, they do not. They'll be using the BJU spine spread over two years for American. I recently read their reason for that.... they feel the student needs to learn how to use an actual textbook and take "traditional" style tests before going on to college, and after doing a good deal of research and piloting the program for two years, they decided on BJU as the best resource for that purpose.


I saw the year 3 package on display at convention, and it looks *fantastic*. Here's a link to the info they have posted at this time, with more to come in the next few weeks: http://www.mfwbooks.com/highschool-us1.html

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No, they do not. They'll be using the BJU spine spread over two years for American. I recently read their reason for that.... they feel the student needs to learn how to use an actual textbook and take "traditional" style tests before going on to college, and after doing a good deal of research and piloting the program for two years, they decided on BJU as the best resource for that purpose.


I saw the year 3 package on display at convention, and it looks *fantastic*. Here's a link to the info they have posted at this time, with more to come in the next few weeks: http://www.mfwbooks.com/highschool-us1.html

I'm getting excited to start the MFW AHL next year! I also will be excited to see the Year 3 program when it's completed! :001_smile:


That's good to know about PDL. We have that book, but if it's just an extra read, we may sub something else, as well, or just not do it. Did your dd read through PDL?

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  • 9 months later...

Hey, Wanting to hear about My Father's World for 9th graders and how it's gone. I've heard that it's a bit too deep for 9th. Any thoughts :)

We are thinking of this as a group experience, meeting with a facilitator and with available parents on Fridays. What says the Hive?? Would this work??

Would you do it with 9th graders, again?? (Or, what would you use instead if you had the chance??)

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Hey, Wanting to hear about My Father's World for 9th graders and how it's gone. I've heard that it's a bit too deep for 9th. Any thoughts :)

We are thinking of this as a group experience, meeting with a facilitator and with available parents on Fridays. What says the Hive?? Would this work??

Would you do it with 9th graders, again?? (Or, what would you use instead if you had the chance??)



too deep for 9th grade? :001_huh:



My oldest is in 9th grade and I am really glad we're doing this program. We're in about week 25, I think?


in a group? I have no idea.



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Hey, Wanting to hear about My Father's World for 9th graders and how it's gone. I've heard that it's a bit too deep for 9th. Any thoughts :)

We are thinking of this as a group experience, meeting with a facilitator and with available parents on Fridays. What says the Hive?? Would this work??

Would you do it with 9th graders, again?? (Or, what would you use instead if you had the chance??)


I don't believe it's "too deep". It's hard to say why those folks that you heard it from feel that way without knowing more about their backgrounds (what method or curriculum they were used to), their children, whether they completed the whole year or just looked at it online... could be a lot of variables there.


My oldest is about ready to begin WHL, and yes, I plan to use AHL again with 2nd dd, even if I have to tweak some parts of it to accommodate her learning style. (Example: getting more books on audio since she's not an avid reader like her older sis, and maybe doing some of the lessons 1-on-1 with her instead of having her work as independently as older sis did.)


Don't know about using it in a group setting.... Maybe you could call the MFW office and ask their thoughts on that? I'm sure they'd have some good ideas.

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Hey, Wanting to hear about My Father's World for 9th graders and how it's gone. I've heard that it's a bit too deep for 9th. Any thoughts :)

We are thinking of this as a group experience, meeting with a facilitator and with available parents on Fridays. What says the Hive?? Would this work??

Would you do it with 9th graders, again?? (Or, what would you use instead if you had the chance??)


too deep for 9th grade? :001_huh:



My oldest is in 9th grade and I am really glad we're doing this program. We're in about week 25, I think?


in a group? I have no idea.




I don't believe it's "too deep". It's hard to say why those folks that you heard it from feel that way without knowing more about their backgrounds (what method or curriculum they were used to), their children, whether they completed the whole year or just looked at it online... could be a lot of variables there.


My oldest is about ready to begin WHL, and yes, I plan to use AHL again with 2nd dd, even if I have to tweak some parts of it to accommodate her learning style. (Example: getting more books on audio since she's not an avid reader like her older sis, and maybe doing some of the lessons 1-on-1 with her instead of having her work as independently as older sis did.)


Don't know about using it in a group setting.... Maybe you could call the MFW office and ask their thoughts on that? I'm sure they'd have some good ideas.

:iagree: with Crystal and Donna. It's NOT too deep! My dd is going through MFW AHL (the 9th grade program) and loves it! I am thrilled with it too! There is quite a bit of reading, but, as Donna said, if the student isn't a reader, you can use audio books. It's put together very well, and dd basically does it on her own. She's learned a lot, and made sure we're using MFW again next year for World History! :001_smile:


As long as the students commit to doing the readings, then it seems that it would work in a group setting, but, as Donna said, you should contact MFW and see what their thoughts on that are.


If I had another coming up, I'd DEFINITELY use this curriculum. WIth it working so very well for dd, I can't imagine using anything else! :001_smile:

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