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Little Professor Science Kits


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Has anybody tried these? They look great, but the price seems insane? :confused:Are they worth it? How quickly do you go through them? How heavily do you need to supplement them or do they contain a good solid amount of the info the child needs to learn? Thanks.:001_smile:

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

I absolutely love these! They are so great, you don't have to add anything or find anything, its all pre-packaged. That being said, we have not bought them since the price went up. The first year I bought all 4 kits at the convention for $60 a piece. I don't know that I think they are worth $90. If they ever knock the price down I would definitely buy them again.

I did not supplement at all and my ds scored high on the science portion of the end of the year exams.

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We did the polymers kit and it was fun. But, absolutely not worth the $90. I found many of the supplies at our local Hobby Lobby for a fraction of the cost. The questions were very simple and not challenging, even for my youngest. I purchased our kit at a homeschool conference. The display was done very well, the dc flocked to it and begged for a kit. My gf bought the biology seed kit. That is really, really worth $90 (IMHO).

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

I did not care for the Young Scientists Club kits. They were not as well made, the materials were cheaper. And everything is thrown in the box, you have to figure out what goes where. It also required more prep.

I like Little Proffessor because you Don't Have to go to the store and get all the supplies, you don't even have to figure out what you need for what experiment as its already done for you.

I used it with a 3rd grader last year. My friend bought them again this year for her 4th grade son. I also have a younger son and he easily followed along at 4. I think the box claims its good for 1st-8th. I think you could do this without supplementing until 5th grade.

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Has anybody tried these? They look great, but the price seems insane? :confused:Are they worth it? How quickly do you go through them? How heavily do you need to supplement them or do they contain a good solid amount of the info the child needs to learn? Thanks.:001_smile:


We have the Rocks & Minerals kit. My kids LOVE it, they would do them all in a day or two if I would allow it. We do one a week and I think it came with 12. We just read some books that go along with the experiment. This particular kit came with a few rocks and a nice case for them so they can have a rock collection. My geology, rock loving kid LOVED this. I'm not sure if I feel it was quite worth the $90 or not though. But my kids are thoroughly enjoying it. I think I will order another kit in the future. I think that I have a code somewhere for 10 or 15% off. I will see if I can find it, I think it's still good.

Anyway, I HTH!!

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