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Sleep over dilemma's. Am I too overprotective?

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Would you feel comfortable with the other little girl sleeping at your house? Maybe that would solve the problem. If not, a simple, "Sorry, we don't allow sleep-overs," should do it. If he asks why not, tell him it's something you & your husband discussed & you're just not comfortable with it.



That is what I am wondering. Would you allow the girl to stay at your house? Have you, your daughter and the girl camp out in the living room together.(you also!) Kinda have a "girls night" with movies, popcorn & junk food

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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Why would I and why should I let him take my dd home and sleep at his house?????


The only reason I can think of is if you take complete leave of your senses! and you shouldn't.


You're not being overly protective, you're doing exactly what you should do as her mom - protect her. Gut feelings should never be ignored. I would not advise asking their daughter to a sleepover as then you've set yourself up for a reciprocal one at their house. I think that it might be best just to say that you, or your husband, or both of you, don't allow sleepovers. Period. I also would not allow her over for a play date, unless her mom was home, and you were invited as well.


If you don't protect your daughter, who will? ;)

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Why would I and why should I let him take my dd home and sleep at his house?????



The only reason I can think of is if you take complete leave of your senses! and you shouldn't.


You're not being overly protective' date=' you're doing exactly what you should do as her mom - protect her. Gut feelings should never be ignored. I would not advise asking their daughter to a sleepover as then you've set yourself up for a reciprocal one at their house. I think that it might be best just to say that you, or your husband, or both of you, don't allow sleepovers. Period. I also would not allow her over for a play date, unless her mom was home, and you were invited as well.


If you don't protect your daughter, who will? ;)[/quote']

Thank you, we feel the same way. If we ask his daughter here, it will be very awkward when we don't allow our dd there!

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That us NOT normal. Sorry bit YOU ARE RIGHT! I did not read the other posts, but that is some very classic behavior IMO. I'm actually worried for that girl and the others. Something is wrong here.

I agree, but I can only look after my own child. Maybe it is all harmless, but I cannot start rumors or anything. Just hope other moms and dads, creep o meter goes off like mine did.


Apparently one other girl was asked to sleep over too for the night, and my daughter told me she is going. But that came from the girls mouth not the moms, so I don't know. Like I said, it's is not for me to say anything, if these people don't see what I see, I am sorry, but I am not going to say or do anything in case I am off base. Just pray and keep my fingers crossed I am wrong

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I second, third, fourth etc. this. No WAY.


I'd talk to the gym folks, too, about his taping the girls. Say that you do NOT give your permission for this.



:iagree: At at least 2 of our local sporting venues, only the parent is allowed to take pictures of the child, you cannot be doing the filming like he is doing or take pictures of other students without permission in writing from the other parents. It is a privacy issue that could lead to a law suit.

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:iagree: At at least 2 of our local sporting venues, only the parent is allowed to take pictures of the child, you cannot be doing the filming like he is doing or take pictures of other students without permission in writing from the other parents. It is a privacy issue that could lead to a law suit.

This is a touchy thing. He films and creates a nice DVD at the end of the year. Another father takes pictures. He is a professional photographer and even make a professional year book of the kids on team this year.


So, if I say I don't want any pics/videos etc...it will be very awkward.

I know that should not matter. I have to think about this. My main issue is really just keeping my dd out of his house and no sleepovers.

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