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Does anyone use File Folder Games??


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I will offically start homeschooling in the fall with my kindergartener. I thought it would be nice to make a few file folder games that she can play with individually. Does anyone still make these? Are there any websites or books you can recommend? Thanks! :)

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Yep, we sure do. I even make some of my own too :>)


Here are my favorites :


www.filefolderfun.com ( need to sign up for membership, all file folder games on there are free)

www.biblestoryprintables.com ( need to sign up for membership all file folder games are free)


www.christianpreschoolprintables (need to sign up for membership , file folder games are free)







www.myffgames.com ( you have to purchase these )


There are some file folder games groups on Yahoo

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Look at your local library and search for file folder games, there are tons of books out there. You can also find "The Mailbox" which is an educational magazine for teachers that are provided at all different levels and have some other great ideas. I made tons of different file folder games and take them along when we will be waiting at drs office, car trips. The kids think they are special games that they are really lucky when they get to play them. If you will PM me with what types you are looking for, there may be some that I have that I am finished with! I would much rather pass them on than throw them away!





Both of these site have free resources that are great!

Edited by hophr5
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File folders are fabulous! We used them all the time when I was teaching pre-k. I used bunches of them with ds as well. There are lots of sites where you can find free games if you do a google search. I also have just purchased activity books (dot-to-dot, letter tracing, mazes...), pulled pages out and adhered them to a file folder. Cover them with contact paper, grab a crayon or dry erase marker (don't use red - it's the worst) and you're good to go. For a game with matching pieces, just adhere an envelope on the opposite side to contain the pieces. A file folder box is a great way to contain these games.


You may also be interested in lapbooks. I have not really used these, but I think they would be great for your K'r. I've heard a lot of great things about them.



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Wow! You guys have way more resources than I do! I LOVE file folder fun and their sister sites. I'm going to have to go through some of these other suggestions.


In an email from file folder fun the other day, they had a bunch of links to bloggers and such.

I love this one



She has a lot of alphabet and prewriting activities that you can laminate and use over and over. She has a lot of stuff on her site.


I also like to get some of the Kumon maze books, rip the pages out, and put them into page protectors. Then, you put them in a binder, and you can use those over and over again, too.

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In an email from file folder fun the other day, they had a bunch of links to bloggers and such.

I love this one



She has a lot of alphabet and prewriting activities that you can laminate and use over and over. She has a lot of stuff on her site.


I also like to get some of the Kumon maze books, rip the pages out, and put them into page protectors. Then, you put them in a binder, and you can use those over and over again, too.


I just checked out this link for pure curiosity's sake...she's good! Lots of great stuff going on there! Makes me wish I had a pre-k'r again...almost.:tongue_smilie:

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