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Neighbor's dog pooping in my yard. A LOT

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I had to scoop up a huge pile this morning with my little rake. I put it in an empty brown bag with a few leaves, twisted it and put it in with my other trash. At this point, I'm not even bothered by it. It's just become part of my day. I have no idea who is doing this. We have so many dog walkers, it would be hard to figure out.


Well, at least they're not spraying RoundUp on my plants! A few of my neighbors are not very nice people. One lady I met told me that she did this to a former neighbor to *fix them.* :glare: Nice. Thankfully, I have others who more than make up for the mentally deficient ones. Sigh.

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So she is supposed to spend $3000-$5000 of her own money to keep dogs out of her back yard? Because someone else is inconsiderate? Wow. And what about her front yard? Dogs poop there too. I could see getting a fence if it was her animal causing other problems for other people.

:iagree:I don't understand why SHE should have to incur the expense of a fence just because neighbours can't be bothered to get off their duffs and train/walk/pick up after their own animals.


Seriously. If you (general 'you') can't bother to be responsible for your pets, don't have them!


I'm a bit ticked about irresponsible pet owners right now. I was out with the kids, walking our dog, Cassie. This guy comes along, yapping on his cell, with his dog on a looooong leash. His dog comes bounding over, and he quits talking long enough to tell me, "She's a good girl"...no attempt to control the dog, and continues to yap. The dog growled and snapped at Cassie...nearly taking Princess out in the process. I glared at him and said, "Yeah, she's really GOOD!" Jerk didn't even quit yapping on the cell, nor shorten the dog's lead, just kept walking.


I know this isn't a popular thing to say, but that dog EVER comes near us again, and I will warn the owner once to restrain the animal...and if he doesn't, I will hoof the dog. Sorry, but I'm not risking my kids or my dog being attacked just because an idiot owner can't train or restrain his dog. No, its not the dog's fault, but protecting my family is my primary concern...and I'm sure as heck NOT putting my hand (and therefore my face) down to grab the collar of a strange, dog aggressive animal.


Inconsiderate pet owners abound.

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Inconsiderate pet owners abound.


Yes, as do inconsiderate child-owners (parents), inconsiderate car-owners, etc. I feel your pain.


I think the first step is always a conversation, just to make sure it is not an oversight, or something the pet owner has never really thought about (not talking to you specifically here, Impish - just used your post as a jumping off point).


Motives are assigned, but never clear without the initial conversation. We seem to have gotten away from the conversation and jump right into the retaliatory action. Polite society depends upon conversation (obviously my opinion only) and avoiding the initial conversation adds to the degradation of society. It is incumbent upon we who are polite to hold to these standards, regardless of others' actions.

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I'm POSITIVE that she knows it's her dog. If I were married, my husband WOULD be taking care of this, but I'm not. And I can't put a fence around my front yard. I mean, a fence around my entire house? Do I understand correctly?


Sorry. I forgot that you said you were single.


As to fencing the whole front yard -- no, but a strip between your two properties would probably do the trick. And it need not cost $3000-$5000. You can get a roll of wire -- we used to call it chicken wire -- at Home Depot. Ask the guy there the easiest way to put it up. It need not be a quality, permanent, beautiful fence. Any barrier would communicate effectively to both the neighbor and the neighbor's dog.


I'm sorry you have to deal with this. What a headache.

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I don't know how big your yard is, but I bought this granny fencing to go around my roses so my dog wouldn't dig them up anymore. She hates it and won't go near it. It's not cool looking, but it is inexpensive and does the trick. It wouldn't work to go around my own yard because there is just too much space to cover, and since the yards are wide open (neighbor's lot next to us where my dog likes to go is an empty half acre of neatly mowed grass) it would look ridiculous. But for a small strip of land, it might work.


And I agree - it's not your responsibility to pay for fencing.

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Sorry. I forgot that you said you were single.


As to fencing the whole front yard -- no, but a strip between your two properties would probably do the trick. And it need not cost $3000-$5000. You can get a roll of wire -- we used to call it chicken wire -- at Home Depot. Ask the guy there the easiest way to put it up. It need not be a quality, permanent, beautiful fence. Any barrier would communicate effectively to both the neighbor and the neighbor's dog.


I'm sorry you have to deal with this. What a headache.


I have this already: My house is the yellow one. Hope I can get the picture to attach....well, it's not a big picture, but there it is anyway.


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