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Any Other Gamer Moms with Gamer Families?

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We're on the cusp...trying hard to locate a PS3 250 (also for the purpose of streaming Netflix). I have a feeling we'll have to hold ourselves back. We're not huge TV people (we have our shows but don't watch and watch and watch), but one reasons I HAVEN'T agreed to a gaming system is because I was afraid we'd all become addicted to it!


Now that Netflix has streaming video through the Wii, that may be an easier way to go. You can count Wii Fit as exercise too :)

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Runescape. That's all I'll say.


Except that I have a farming cape and a quest cape. And yes, everyone in the house plays it. Even the cat would playt if he could figure out how......



I am a Runescape widow :lol: Most of my older kids play too. I am the only non gamer lol.

Edited by Quiver0f10
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I'm not a gamer, and neither is my husband. We've tried to join the boys in play, but we're terrible. :blushing:

Our boys love their game systems, though.


Over dinner the other night my husband was relating a conversation he had with Reggie Fils-Aime (President/CEO of Nintendo USA), but he pronounced his last name wrong.

Our older son corrected him and we smiled at each other. Jeffrey rolled his eyes and said, "I know. I'm a game geek!"

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Ahhh....I love these forums! Another gamer family here. Dh and ds are addicted to Halo 3, dds love Rock Band, and I am more into the computer games like Zoo Tycoon. UGH! It's SO addicting!

Oh. And Webkinz. Dd10 and I have extended conversations daily about that site! I'm as addicted as she is.


Thank you all for making me feel so....normal! :001_smile:

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We have a Wii and we love to play as a family! I grew up with games from Atari to Wii, and I am not crazy or lazy lol. Our kids are in no way addicted to tv or games. Some days I have to threaten them with extra chores just to get them to watch a movie and let me finish what I am doing lol.


My boys have gotten better with hand eye coordination, thinking quickly, coming up with a strategy by playing the Wii!

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