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Indigo Children

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Does anyone know anything about the concept of "indigo children?" The thread about the child who paints reminded me of that concept but I don't have much of a grasp about it. I do remember that those children were thought to be more spiritual than most. She seems to fit the bill.

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Oh. I found a book on them at the local second hand shop but it's packed away for the move that hasn't happened yet :glare:


Here's a wiki article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indigo_children It doesn't have a whole lot of info. I remember the book talking about there being a few different categories of Indigo children. One was artistic, another was humanitarian and I forget what else. One thing I remember was the idea that they are not people pleasers. I don't know about the rest of it, but that sure describes my dd :glare:



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One of my kids is supposedly an Indigo.They suposedly have come through to make changes in the world. Here are their characteristics, taken from Amazon:


The 10 most common traits are: 1.) They come into the world with a feeling of royalty. 2.) They have a feeling of deserving to be here. 3.) Self-worth is not a big issue. 4.) They have difficulty with authority by ritual or without explanation. 5.) They simply will not do certain things. 6.) They get frustrated with systems that don't require creative thought. 7.) They often see better ways of doing things. 8.) School is often difficult for them and they can seem antisocial. 9.) They will not respond to guilt-trip discipline. 10.) They are not shy about letting you know what they need.


Here is a link to the book and reviews:

Indigo Children

These are the kids we have tended to dose up with Ritalin.

But after the Indigos (who are generally in their teens and twenties now) have come others...the Crystals, then the Raibows. My 2nd child is supposedly a Crystal, but he only has some of the characteristics.






I keep an open mind about such things but dont "believe" them as such. I just dont know. I did pick up a CD by Doreen Virtue about these types of children 2nd hand once, and listened to it in the car on a long drive with my son. My son, who is by no means particularly interested or gullible to these types of things, did never the less identify with many of the Crystal child characteristics- including have an attraction to and passion for collecting crystals.

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According to your links, Peela, I've got a Crystal kid! It's interesting reading. I hadn't heard of crystal and rainbow kids before. I wonder what colour we're supposed to be. This may well be new age mumbo jumbo, but it's so much nicer than saying everyone is ADD, ADHD or whatever and should be drugged. I fully believe that those conditions are real and some people really do need medication, but I've known too many kids who have been painted with these labels and drugged who's real problem was a lack of appropriate technique from the adults in their lives. This stuff says we need to change the system to suit the people, not drug the people to fit them into the system. Isn't that so much nicer and more sensible sounding?



Edited by Rosie_0801
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This topic is fascinating, however. If you check out the website for the child artist who started me thinking about this - she is amazingly spiritual. She is very interested in all types of spirituality and has, unfortunately, received a lot of negative feedback from some conservative folks about her more recent work. Very interesting child, definately and old soul. Reaffirms my beliefs in reincarnation!

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