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How dare she call my dd a big baby?

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It was one of those days dd just did not want to go to preschool. Actually, it's every Tuesday and Friday she does not want to go to preschool. Since there is no one her age around the couple of hours a week to do art, music and play with kids her age instead of boring ol' mom is a good thing for she is so happy and chatty when I pick her up telling me about her friends, her art, her days adventures. Enough of that. Back to the mean old lady who called me dd a big baby. So dd(4) was having one of those days so I carried her in and mean lady, being snarky, said "Aren't you being a big baby." Momma bears response "And isn't it wonderful that I still get to hold her and carry her." and went on my way to bring baby girl to her class where she was greeted by her wonderful teacher.

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