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Chalkdust...I asked here a while back about


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the elementary course and someone responded by saying that they didn't think there was much to it.


I was wondering about their 5th grade course and then move on to Basic math the next year for dd.



I am now wondering if the same applies to Basic Math and on up.


I have Pre-algebra, I have not had a chance to view it, but will soon. I don't want to be planning on it for next year and then come to find out it is not what we wanted.



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the elementary course and someone responded by saying that they didn't think there was much to it.


I was wondering about their 5th grade course and then move on to Basic math the next year for dd.



I am now wondering if the same applies to Basic Math and on up.


I have Pre-algebra, I have not had a chance to view it, but will soon. I don't want to be planning on it for next year and then come to find out it is not what we wanted.




I'm considering the Pre-Algebra for my eldest and so I would also be interested in any responses.

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I do not have any experience with the levels offered below Pre-Algebra. We started with Pre-Algebra after ds completed *most*of Saxon 7/6. It was a hard year for him, but he is a young math student and there was some transition in going from an incremental to mastery approach. However, it was a GOOD year, and we are in Chalkdust Algebra I this year, and I just ordered Geometry for next year. I feel like some sort of "groupie," but honestly, I cannot say enough good things about the program and the instructor. I found the Pre-Algebra course to be very thorough. It took me awhile to get used to the scheduling. Professor Mosely suggests doing one hour of math per day, so this is what we do. If the DVD is 25 minutes, we do that and then start working problems. You need to figure on an *average* of three days per section. Eventually, I could guestimate fairly well how long topics would take us. Some sections we would complete in a day and a half, but others would take four days. It all evened out in the end. We just stuck with the "one hour per day" rule. You will have to pick and choose the problems you do. For Pre-Algebra we simply did all the odd problems. For Algebra that would be too many, so I choose between 30 and 35 per section. If you dc isn't getting it after that many, there are plenty more to assign! If I had one complaint about the program it would be that the DVD segments can be very unequal in time. *MOST* are around 25 - 30 minutes, and this length is ideal. However, some will be 12 minutes and some will be 50! However, if they are super long, it is very easy to break them up as there are editing breaks between different concepts. My ds has control of the remote and will stop the DVD to attempt to work problems along the way. Sometimes he does this more than others. I give him free rein to decide how much he starts and stops it. In particular, I thought the word problems in Pre-Algebra (and his teaching of how to approach them) was exceptional. Some topics are a bit "mature" for the usual pre-algebra set -NOT in a BAD way!!! Just in more real-life examples such as mortgages, break-even points in manufacturing, retail applications, etc. I had to do some explaining of terminology on mark-up, mark-downs, discounts, etc. However, I liked the fact that the problems were REAL and USEFUL, kwim? I hope this helps some. I just love, love, love, Chalkdust!

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We've only just begun CD's 6th grade Basic Math. We're on lesson 2.4. The lecturer (Dana Moseley) is quite good- I watch the videos with my son and find myself interested, and I am NOT a math person.

Were there any specific questions you had?



Is this what you used. http://www.chalkdust.com/basic.html


So this is for 6th grade. Would this be good for a person who hates math...mainly because it takes work and isn't something you can do instantly. It takes too much focus and time in his opinion.



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