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When schools fail, don't fire teachers ~ fire the parents.

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But this, imo, is using schools for something other than their intended purpose. This is where I feel that schools are trying to take on a social work role.


I have no problem with schools remaining open and non-profits offering these services, but they are not, imo, the function of schools.




Oh, I agree with you. I think school should be just for education - no sports, no "values realignment," nothing else. In an ideal world. What we have currently is a whole other situation. I'm not sure how we go back from here, but if the schools just pull out now, children suffer.

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Oh, I agree with you. I think school should be just for education - no sports, no "values realignment," nothing else. In an ideal world. What we have currently is a whole other situation. I'm not sure how we go back from here, but if the schools just pull out now, children suffer.


Our school district put a levy on the ballot a few years ago to raise a bunch of money to tear down the old elementary schools and rebuild them as K-8 community centers that would be open from 6 a.m to 9 p.m. for childcare, community meetings, enrichment classes, cafes, etc.


The levy passed.


The district built two new schools, complained that charter schools had stolen all their kids, and abandoned the plan. But of course, they kept the money.



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Wealthy folks tend to have their children (if they even have any) in the most toney of schools, so they have no idea how the rest of the world lives..... Of course, whether or not they actually have or even know any children never seems to stop them from pronouncing their expertise on the rest of us peons....

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I haven't read all the responses However, as a former teacher I feel I should share my experience with parents...


I left teaching for many reason, one being because I couldn't handle the pressure anymore of trying to pick up the pieces for the parents who could give two licks, but they expected us (teachers/school) to "fix" their kids. I sat in more than one conference room where a parent came right out and yelled, "It's your job to fix my child, so do it!!!" This was in a "typical" middle-class town in NH, NOT the inner city/poorer towns where this type of mentality is far worse. Often the administration would side with the parent, rendering the teaching staff as powerless. Students and parents quickly learn how to beat the teacher down. I actually had grades changed by administration in order to appease the parents. When a child does nothing and earns a 38 in my class, he does not get to earn a D to pass when I have another child who worked his/her tail off for their D and earned their passing grade. I could go on and on with these types of stories. This didn't just occur at my middle school; scores of teachers throughout the country can tell you similar stories of how parents have passed the buck to the schools. Sadly, our educational system, as it stands, supports this behavior.


I'm not saying all teachers are great though. I am saying that as the current school situation stands, parental involvement is KEY, and when you review the schools that are thriving, parental involvement is exceptionally high at these institutions.


While I may not agree with how Bill Maher said it, or how he says most things, for this, I think he has a vailid point.

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I think it is an outrage that the schools are crying poverty:glare: As far as I am concerned I think that many schools are great at wasting money on olympic pools, fuzzy curricula, make-believe jobs, unnecessary technology such as white boards in every classroom, and unnecessary building projects.



You forgot the custom paint jobs on the district's vehicles. ;)

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