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I was looking into this a little for my dd age 10. She has been learning piano for the last 3 years, but she really does not like it, and wants to try a different instrument. We can't afford to buy another instrument, but recorders are inexpensive.


What kind of recorder would I want to buy? What book is good to use for teaching the recorder? How much musical ability would she gain from learning the recorder--would it be worth our while?

Any input would be appreciated here seeing as how I really know nothing about the recorder.

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I personally have a soprano Yamaha recorder (plastic); it's a decent instrument (not a toy) and you can pick one up for around $15. I haven't taught from a recorder book in a really, really long time, so I'm not familiar with what's out there, but if you buy your recorder at a music store they can probably recommend one. Many are self-explanatory so you don't have to have any musical background to begin.


The recorder is a good beginning instrument to teach the fundamentals of music. When I was in school we had to learn the recorder before taking beginning band. Your daughter can learn the basics of note reading and music theory without the expense of say, piano or violin lessons, and still get some music education under her belt.

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There is a whole range from cheap plastic recorders to hand carved wooden ones worth thousands.

My 12yo son has been learning recorder for over 3 years with a brilliant woman, retired, who charges much less than normal, and who has trained some of the top recorder players in the world. He cannot play piano....it is just terribly difficult for him to coordinate two hands like that- and I didnt think recorder would be any better but this woman has him completely in the palm of her hand, and sees him as musically gifted. He is actually really, really good.

So our experience with recorder has been wonderful. Jared also received a gift of a beautiful wooden recorder from a lady who died.

If your dd gets into recorder she will probably want more than one sized recorder, and my son plays the treble mostly rather than the descant- its easier on the ears- but it is certainly one of those instruments where you can start relatively cheaply (although I wouldnt start at the absolute bottom of the range because the quality of the sound wont be as good).

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Their plastic recorders are the ones that the really good players recommend for initial learning, I'm told.


Most people start with a soprano, but I would recommend looking at an Alto if your DS can reach all the holes with his fingers (check in the store). Altos have a less shrill sound than sopranos, and the Alto fingering is the same as a band instrument (I forget whether it is like the sax or the clarinet, but it's an F instrument with the same fingering as one of them.)


I really like the Trapp Family recorder books (yes, THAT Trapp family--the ones in "The Sound of Music".) They are a little old-fashioned, with their black and white photographs, but they are very thorough and have lovely, engaging music. They take you further than other books I have seen on the market, and they describe the fingering and tonguing details better than other 'self-help' books that I have seen. You have to pick which recorder you want before you buy the book, though. The soprano is a C-instrument. Trapp Family books cover either the C-instruments (soprano or tenor) or the F-instruments (sopranino, alto, or bass).

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I taught a recorder band class at co-op a couple years ago and HIGHLY recommend "The New Nine Note Recorder Method" by Penny Gardner. It is filled with lots of songs, games, and more. It is wonderful and inexpensive. It is definitely enough for a years plus of songs. She also sells other recorder books such as one special for Christmas. She even has mp3's you can download and play along with. It is wonderful. :)

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