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Need simple spelling and hwing program for dd7


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Some of the popular spelling programs I've looked into look kind of intense. I want something challenging and thorough without too much fluff. My dd7 is a natural spelling and can pick up on words just by reading and writing them a couple of times.

She also needs a handwriting program for cursive. Is there a program that includes both?


We're using WWE and FLL for LA if that's any help.


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We like sequential spelling for dd7. We are also using fll and wwe. Its easy to use and requires no prep. We don't do the writing on the white board because she picks it up on her own. I am also looking for something for cursive. I was looking at Cursive First, but i haven't ordered or used anything so I would love the suggestions too!



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I couldn't tell from your post if you preferred secular or Christian materials, but my personal favorite for natural spellers is Rod and Staff. It is simple, no fluff, and yet still challenging. The activities are all useful and important, not fluff! You can check out samples at rodandstaffbooks.com


If you want secular, then I have used Spelling Workout, though I do remember there being some exercises in there that we could have done without. I really liked their editing practice every Friday, I believe. :)


We use Spelling Plus Dictation. I use only the dictation book because all the words are in this book. I give my son a word list and then I teach it to him applying any rules that he will need to learn the word. Then once the words are learned, I start dictation from that word list. The sentences are already provided for me. This has enough material to last through the 6th grade and it's the 1000 most commonly used words. We have really seen a lot of progress using this and it only takes us 8-10 minutes a day. :)





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I like Rod and Staff spelling for the reasons you listed. They're challenging and not fluffy in the slightest. They really make the kid work with the spelling rules.


My kids didn't use a writing curriculum for cursive, but I didn't start cursive until third or fourth grade. The grade 2 penmanship from R&S does teach cursive.

I second that! We switched to Rod & Staff for spelling, penmanship and grammar, it's been wonderful for us. Before we switched, we use Spelling Power and I made handwriting sheets with the words using Start write. It was time consuming and he wasn't learning the rules. And it used a ton of ink. We are very happy with Rod & Staff.



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Does Rod and Staff Spelling teach the rules of spelling and has enough practice to help retention? I am going to start a spelling program for my soon to be 3rd grader. We are using R & S English 2 right now. Any suggestions for a phonics program or it's not needed in 3rd grade? Thank you.

Edited by miracleone
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Does Rod and Staff Spelling teach the rules of spelling and has enough practice to help retention? I am going to start a spelling program for my soon to be 3rd grader. We are using R & S English 2 right now. Any suggestions for a phonics program or it's not needed in 3rd grade? Thank you.


IMO R&S spelling has plenty of review and practice. :001_smile: If your third grader is ready for a spelling course I'd drop the separate phonics. The phonics he'll find in R&S spelling will be sufficient. If you have him read a small passage aloud, instead of a phonics lesson, you'll be able to catch common mistakes.


I've had my kids do either phonics or spelling in the early years, but not both at the same time. I put them into a phonics based spelling book when they were reading well enough they didn't need daily phonics instruction.

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