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American history for gr 3, SL 3 o Guesthollow (our losbanos), feedback?


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I think I've narrowed it down to one of these two options for next year. I'm using SL2 this year and am doing okay with it, don't love it frankly. I was disappointed with many of the book choices. I've heard that core 3's are better though.


In looking at guesthollow, it would be way more hands on. Some of that would be great, but I'm not sure about doing all of the history pockets, etc. Could someone tell me what the best, don't miss resources in this program are?


Can anyone compare the readers/read-alouds from these two programs?I've noticed a little overlap, but not much. Both seem to use Story of the USA as spine type resources, any comment on the quality of the other ones?

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

The lady who does Guest Hollow used to use Sonlight and Winterpromise. She tweaked the programs for herself and then offered them to everyone. I would go with hers, as it is free, and I like the books she has chosen.

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I like them both, but I'd use Guesthollow. I would cut out some of the History Pockets--I used them for Ancient History and really, I think a lot of it is just coloring/cutting/pasting. I might pick one for fun, but not a whole slew.

Here are the activity resources I would pick--and you could do half of these and still have a great time!


Wee Sing America

Draw Write Now (if your child likes to draw)

NW Coast Punch Out Village (better than the Plains Indian, b/c the structures are less familiar than tipis)

Viking Treasure Chest (loved this at our house)

Colonial America--better than History Pockets

Colonial Days

Pioneer Sampler (activity book that weaves them around a good story)


There are two video games I like that she mentions--Oregon Trail and Liberty's Kids.


I would buy the Story of The USA books as well as some of the fiction. I think a lot of the readers are way too easy for 3rd grade (Mr. Lincoln's Hat, for example) so I wouldn't worry about those. Most of the bigger books can be found in the library.

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I looked extensively at Guesthollow for this year and really like it a lot. I wouldn't do all of the pockets b/c my boys don't like all that cutting/pasting but that really won't detract from the program. The good thing is...it is free! The other good thing is that you can pick and choose from all the resoures she mentions. It's like putting your own program together except the outline is all there for you as well as resource recommendations. I would go with Guesthollow.

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I like them both, but I'd use Guesthollow. I would cut out some of the History Pockets--I used them for Ancient History and really, I think a lot of it is just coloring/cutting/pasting. I might pick one for fun, but not a whole slew.

Here are the activity resources I would pick--and you could do half of these and still have a great time!


Wee Sing America

Draw Write Now (if your child likes to draw)

NW Coast Punch Out Village (better than the Plains Indian, b/c the structures are less familiar than tipis)

Viking Treasure Chest (loved this at our house)

Colonial America--better than History Pockets

Colonial Days

Pioneer Sampler (activity book that weaves them around a good story)


There are two video games I like that she mentions--Oregon Trail and Liberty's Kids.


I would buy the Story of The USA books as well as some of the fiction. I think a lot of the readers are way too easy for 3rd grade (Mr. Lincoln's Hat, for example) so I wouldn't worry about those. Most of the bigger books can be found in the library.





Hands down, I'd say go with Guest Hollow. It looks like she's put together a nice program. It's free. You can also add some of the books from Sonlight if you like. I couldn't find a list of just the hands on in the Guest Hollow program, but you could simply cut it back. It looks like a great year!



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