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Favorite Dorothy Sayers books?

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If you feel like a long read and a bit of romance, I'd start with Strong Poison, then read Have His Carcase, Gaudy Night then Busman's Honeymoon.


If you want to read one to see if you like her, then Nine Tailors is characteristic, but Calvin prefers Murder Must Advertise.


Gaudy Night is a long paean to the joys of the scholarly life in its battle against the trashy world, but it's better to read it as part of the quartet. Calvin agrees.



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I love Harriet Vane. She is my heroine. My favorite one is Gaudy Night. I read it first, however, I wish I would have read Strong Poison first instead - to have them in order. I have The Nine Tailors in my 'to read' stack this summer.

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I love, love, love Sayers. :-)


I thought the Nine Tailors was one of her tougher books, and wouldn't begin there.


I'd probably read the Lord Peter Wimsey stories in this order to begin with:


  • The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club
  • Strong Poison
  • Have His Carcase
  • Murder Must Advertise
  • The Nine Tailors
  • Gaudy Night
  • Busman's Honeymoon



My favorite of those are the Lord Peter Wimsey/Harriet Vane Novels ... Strong Poison, Have His Carcase, Gaudy Night, and Busman's Honeymoon, but starting with the Bellona Club will give you a feel for Peter before he meets Harriet. My favorite book of all is Gaudy Night. :-D


I also found Letters to a Diminished Church: Passionate Arguments for the Relevance of Christian Doctrine and Are Women Human? extremely thought provoking.

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