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If you use/have used a nursing cover, can you answer some questions for me?

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I've got a friend who's first baby is three months now. She was nursing the cutie at our fellowship meeting on Sunday. I noticed (it was hard not to; the litte darling was GULPING while it was silent, LOL) that she just stayed in her seat, and threw a blanket over her shoulder and baby. I think it's fantastic, *FANTASTIC*, that she didn't feel she needed to leave the meeting to nurse.


However, her little girl is gonna get more mobile in the next few months. I know this lady to be very modest, so I thought the idea of her baby ripping the blanket off while nursing during fellowship would be quite embarassing to her, and she would probably leave the meeting to nurse after that.


So (long story long, LOL), I thought it would be great to make her a nursing cover! She doesn't sew, but I love to. I made her bibs, spit rags, and a sling for shower gifts, and she just really seemed to appreciate them quite a bit.


So for the nursing cover, should I used d-rings, a overall-type buckle, or something else to attach the one adjustable end of the strap to the blanket? What is easiest to manuver while holding a baby? or do you usually just leave both ends of the strap attached, and slip it over your head?


And I've seen patters that use boning (to make a sort of window to see baby), and ones that don't. If you have a nursing cover, do you prefer the ones with boning, or the ones without?


I was also thinking of making her just a strap or two that could be used with any blanket. Do you think just a fabric strap with metal clips on the end would work? Would that be strong enough to hold up to a tugging baby?


ETA: I just searched Etsy for nursing covers, and found just the straps, and they look just like the ones I was thinking of making...


Thanks so much!

Edited by bethanyniez
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I have a store bought one that I used to make some for others as gifts. Mine has Drings and boning. I have had one without Drings (it had a snap) and without boning. I prefer the boning and the Dring. I adjust the Dring first and then slip it over my head and I tend to just leave it adjusted at that place.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy

I owned two different covers in my nursing days and by far my favorite was one with boning so I could see baby and get him/her some air and a strong velcro attachment for the strap that went around my neck.


I think your idea is very nice. I loved my covers for the exact reason you want to make one. I was not a fan of having mobile babies ripping off my privacy because I did indeed nurse anywhere and everywhere and I'm fairly modest.


ETA: If she's modest, do consider a very neutral fabric. One friend gave me a nursing cover with wild colors (attractive to baby--?--who I wanted to be otherwise occupied and not looking at the fabric but anyway...) that I never used in public because the idea was to give myself privacy, not erect a circus tent that screamed out, "Nursing Baby Here!!!" I have no problem with it for other people. I don't have a problem with nursing without a cover either. But for me, private person that I am, I wanted completely neutral, blending fabric.

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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I would suggest an unpadded ring sling with a tail. There are a variety of patterns available out there. As baby gets bigger, being in the sling can provide extra support and keep arms from getting tired without having to lug around a nursing pillow, and the tail can be brought across for extra privacy--though just being in the sling tends to leave nothing to sight, unless you're standing directly in front of the mother and looking down into it--which happened a few times when I was nursing DD in walmart in my hometown, and shocked a couple of people who just thought she was sleeping--at the better part of a year old, I'll add! Especially if baby grows accustomed to sleeping in the sling, it could make getting through a church service without interruption much easier.

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ETA: If she's modest, do consider a very neutral fabric. One friend gave me a nursing cover with wild colors (attractive to baby--?--who I wanted to be otherwise occupied and not looking at the fabric but anyway...) that I never used in public because the idea was to give myself privacy, not erect a circus tent that screamed out, "Nursing Baby Here!!!" I have no problem with it for other people. I don't have a problem with nursing without a cover either. But for me, private person that I am, I wanted completely neutral, blending fabric.


Thank you for this. :)


I had actually planned to use a kinda funky, fun, wild pattern with lots of pinks, since that's her personality. But thinking back on Sunday, she was just using a light yellow blanket. You know, maybe I'll either make her two, one neutral and one funky, or make a two-sided one, so she can choose.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
Thank you for this. :)


I had actually planned to use a kinda funky, fun, wild pattern with lots of pinks, since that's her personality. But thinking back on Sunday, she was just using a light yellow blanket. You know, maybe I'll either make her two, one neutral and one funky, or make a two-sided one, so she can choose.


That's a great idea because I can see using a neutral one in public and a bright one for small gatherings of familiar people.

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Are these those really cool covers like Pam was using on The Office episode?? I thought that was so neat!


I don't watch tv except for the news, so I'm not sure. :D But basically they are a blanket with a strap that goes around your neck to hold it on, so that you can be modest, and baby can't pull it off.

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