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Do you wake up with your dh in the morning?

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Nope, I'm also not a morning person. I usually don't fall asleep until well after 2am. He usually gets up (when he's in port) at about 0430 so he can get to the ship early and take care of paperwork before the day officially starts. I once asked him if it bothers him that I don't get up. His response

"Heck no, I wouldn't get up this early if I didn't have to" At one point before we had kids I got up before him but only because I was doing in home daycare and the baby I watched was dropped off at 0500 (at that point dh wasn't as high up the chain of command and didn't get up until 0545) after I stopped doing daycare (I was about to have our first child) I asked if he liked me being up before him and he said "Well if you like to, but honestly it's just weird"

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I get up between 3:30 and 3:45 am to make his sandwiches and pack his lunch each morning. RockerDad leaves for work a bit after 4 am.


I rarely go back to sleep after he leaves. :glare: I wish I could.


See, that's why I don't get up at that time! I cook his breakfast the night before and he warms it up in the morning. When he takes a lunch, I'll make it the night before too.

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