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Central Auditory Processing Disorder

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Not much help because we are still "a work in progress", but some of my favorite things have come from SuperDuper, Gander Publishing, and Linguisystems. We have used Earobics with some success. We did some speech therapy, but not much - the therapist said we could do the same thing at home.




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We never had a formal diagnosis of CAPD but my son clearly had some auditory processing problems along with symptoms of dyslexia.


His auditory processing problems may not have been very severe because a pediatric audiologist didn't catch his auditory processing problems--they showed up on a screening for speech therapy and later on a screening for a dyslexia program. He didn't have a problem with whole words--he had a problem distinguishing individual letter sounds, (the audiologist earlier tested whole words but not individual sounds within those words.)


We did The Listening Program at the suggestion of the speech therapist. I did several other things such as music lessons and exercises like cross-crawling. Maybe those things worked to prepare his brain for what I consider the most effective thing we did. What I found most effective was Lindamood's LiPS program. LiPS gave him ways to by by-pass his auditory system to recognize letter sounds through the way his body produced those sounds.

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We found OT to be most helpful. For two years she worked with an amazing therapist who also provided Therapeutic Listening tapes to me for use at home. Now I do Brain Gym exercises with her and have her in gymnastics and dance. The OT said anything that will help her with rhythm and balance (vestibular issues). I get speech through the ps and she helps alot with grammar issues. We like the results we are getting with Earobics and Brainware Safari (the metronome and auditory memory components are hard but worth it for her issues).


I am reading up on my LIPs manual now and will start that in April with her. I can see how this will help alot with her oral-motor issues. My wish list for the future is Interactive Metronome. I need to save money for that and find a provider. My OT isn't trained in it but highly recommends it for my dtr.


Otherwise just working with her every day (good and bay days) , reading aloud, using lots of visuals..not taking any language or vocabulary for granted...like twenty means 2 tens over and over etc.

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My oldest son went to a specialized private school for 2 yrs here in Houston called The Parish School. www.parishschool.org CAPD kids also have poor social skills as they don't 'get' the social cues other kids do. You can contact them for any help you might need or questions you may have. FastForWord worked well for him.


Also, there is ONE homeschool program for kids with language based LDs, Verticy Learning. You can split up the reading supplement or leave off the math from a core. Fin. aid is available year round. Placement testing and evaluation is free. www.verticylearning.org

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They integrate AIT with OT so while the kids are listening they are also swinging, playing in foam, etc. We did 5 or 6 loops altogether. We saw huge gains during the first 3-loop cycle and more moderate gains in the others.


We then did FastForward, SOMONAS and some Earobics. Not much improvement with those.


Interactive Metronome was interspersed with the other AIT programs. It seemed to help some but wasn't the "bang for the buck" that I hoped for.


OT, gymnastics, dance, martial arts and yoga do seem to help. It's probably the movement of the water in the inner ear that brings improvement.


I'm not sure what, if anything we'll do next. He still has the problem of not being able to participate in medium or large group conversations.


Anyway, I hope that helps you.


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