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Is anyone familiar with John Hudson Tiner's Exploring Series?

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I'm not sure about this one in particular, but for the most part his books would be good for 5th-8th imo. There is one title that is written by a different author and I'm thinking it may be the biology book. His name is Gary something. Anyway, I have loved all of these books, but this one was really weird. It had some odd beliefs thrown in about how animals were created to be herbivores. Which I understand some people believe, but his were even stranger than normal.


Just trying to give you a heads up in case that might be something that bothers you. I didn't like it at all. Way too opinion oriented for this type of book. I am a Christian, but it was just weird.



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I'm not sure about this one in particular, but for the most part his books would be good for 5th-8th imo. There is one title that is written by a different author and I'm thinking it may be the biology book. His name is Gary something. Anyway, I have loved all of these books, but this one was really weird. It had some odd beliefs thrown in about how animals were created to be herbivores. Which I understand some people believe, but his were even stranger than normal.


Just trying to give you a heads up in case that might be something that bothers you. I didn't like it at all. Way too opinion oriented for this type of book. I am a Christian, but it was just weird.




Exploring the World Around You: A Look at Nature from Tropics to Tundra (Paperback)

~ Gary E. Parker (Author)




This is the only one I see on Amazon by an author with first name Gary. It's not the biology book. We've read part of the biology book this year and have been pleased. There is a comprehension check at the end of each chapter, but nothing in the way of experiments, so I'm guessing you would need to add that for 7th grade.

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Exploring the World Around You: A Look at Nature from Tropics to Tundra (Paperback)

~ Gary E. Parker (Author)




This is the only one I see on Amazon by an author with first name Gary. It's not the biology book. We've read part of the biology book this year and have been pleased. There is a comprehension check at the end of each chapter, but nothing in the way of experiments, so I'm guessing you would need to add that for 7th grade.


Oh, good! Yes, that is the one I was thinking about.


Oh, and I didn't mean that I thought It'd be good as a curriculum, just and extra read type thing.

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We're using it this semester. It wouldn't be enough on it's own, imo. As the pp said, there are no experiments and it's mainly focused on plant/animal biology.


We added The Way Life Works, which is more cellular biology. This is a secular book, just fyi.


Another option would be to add an experiment book or add another book from the Exploring series.

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

I love this series, we are using Exploring Planet Earth this year with a 4th grader. Next year I have planned the Biology and the History of Medicine for 5th. I own all the books as I think they are great resources. It would be easy to throw your own experiments in I think, just choose some of the topics. Maybe Insects, bacteria, chlorophyll, germination...

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