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I'm pretty sure my 4 y/o is color blind...

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He's always had trouble distinguishing his color crayons. Mostly blues and purples, but will also get reds confused. He's a bright little guy and we've worked on colors for a long time so it's not a lack of knowledge.


I "tested" him with some online color blind tests and he can't see shapes or numbers in the dot patterns. (None of the tests online are great for preschoolers, they tend to use big numbers. He knows his numbers well, but I don't want knowing or not knowing the numbers to be a factor). I did a shape one with him and he could only see the yellow shapes that everyone should be able to see.


So.. do you think I HAVE to take him in at this point and have him evaluated? Of course, being home schooled we can just work around it. I just tell him which one is blue and which is purple.


My mom is colorblind (very unusual for a woman...) and I grew up helping her distinguish colors. My FIL is also colorblind so the poor kid gets it from both sides!


I'm guessing the dr. will figure it out later in the year when I take him for his 5 year physical and he can't tell her which is the blue/purple crayon...


Just not wanting to get the "why didn't you bring him in" stare and lecture from my dr! I'm guessing it's not life threatening :lol: and could wait until the end of the summer....


Also, any of you who have color blind children... have you found ways to help them or is it just telling them which color is which?

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He is probably color blind. The gene travels on the x. If your mother is color blind then both of her x genes carry it and you are a carrier.


It is not life threatening but definitely something to mention to your doctor the next time you bring him in.

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My ds is colorblind. One thing that helped him was to make sure we always had crayons with the labels still on them. Even before he could read, I taught him to distinguish the names of the colors. But I also just really stayed away from things that required him to color something a particular color and let him do things the colors he wanted. He turned out to be very artistic and loves to draw, but as he has grown he has turned to charcoal or ink. His favorite color is Robin's Egg Blue which is funny to me because he see's most things as blue. It helps to find out what type of colorblind he is so that you keep in mind the way he sees the world and remember that he has no idea what he is missing. Here is a cool thingy that shows you what things look like with different types of colorblind. http://health.howstuffworks.com/colorblindness2.htm MY ds has the Tritanopia.

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My ds is colorblind. One thing that helped him was to make sure we always had crayons with the labels still on them. Even before he could read, I taught him to distinguish the names of the colors. But I also just really stayed away from things that required him to color something a particular color and let him do things the colors he wanted. He turned out to be very artistic and loves to draw, but as he has grown he has turned to charcoal or ink. His favorite color is Robin's Egg Blue which is funny to me because he see's most things as blue. It helps to find out what type of colorblind he is so that you keep in mind the way he sees the world and remember that he has no idea what he is missing. Here is a cool thingy that shows you what things look like with different types of colorblind. http://health.howstuffworks.com/colorblindness2.htm MY ds has the Tritanopia.


Thank you! This was very helpful. Love the site! I guess we'll figure out at some point what kind he is. I'll work on helping him read the colors on the crayons... that's a great idea! duh! :D

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Truthfully the only issue was making sure his socks matched. This was solved by only buying one color. He was always a Jeans and T-shirt guy and if he had to dress up, well, we (my sis and I) would have told him what to wear even if he could see colors so that wasn't an issue.



:lol: Dh and I were laughing that it really doesn't matter much that dh CAN see colors! He still can't put the right clothes together!

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My ds is 'color-confused' :glare: which is apparently the pc way of describing being color blind. It was first suspected during a routine peds exam and confirmed during a visit to the ped opthamologist for an unrelated matter.


It is not a big deal -- when he has been enrolled in school or activities, we make certain the person in charge knows, just in case.


He sees more brown and oranges and greens as opposed to say reds. Women carry the gene for the trait, men have the condition. HTH

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Both of my boys have a red-green color vision deficiency. There is nothing to worry about and there is not anything a doctor can do. I did have to teach both of my ds the order of the lights on a traffic light. Red on top, yellow in middle and the green on bottom. They both can see that there is light that is lit up...they just cannot tell the red from the green. ;)

There is not anyone else in our family that has this--we are not sure where it came from??:D

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Hmmmm... I'm not particularly PC and to me "color confused" sounds worse! Actually, women can be colorblind, not just carry the gene... my mother is.


I agree about the 'color confused' term -- it seems to confuse the foks who hear it -- 'color blind' seems easier to understand -- and I did not know that woman could be color blind -- WOW!

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