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DH wants more structure & to enforce more "school rules"

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First- congratulations on bringing her home and already seeing positive changes! We work in a school room and the kids have their own desk. They can move around a bit- and I give them ample time to run the yard to get energy out. I don't think it matters whether she does her work on the couch (or floor, or table, or bed for that matter) but I do think the TV needs to be off. It is too much of a distraction. We do not turn on the TV until after 5:00 (or later) on school days. The TV really sucks all my dc's attention, and it is impossible to get them to focus...I just can't compete with it!



Best wishes!

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I too am with the others. TV off during school hours.


In our home we allow tv during their breakfast. Then they are wisked off to make beds, brush teeth, hair and wash faces...then they are to be at the school room shortly thereafter..school usually begins at 9am here. So they have plenty of sleep in and wake up time! Unless they are sick or we allowed them to stay up later than normal the night previous, but that's a rare occasion.


With us we've homeschooled from day one. When I first started there were no rules. We schooled on the sofa, never tv on though...and with my oldest dd she can't even have music or humming near here..so many times my youngest children are sent to play with playdough or color nearby but are to be kept hush while school is in session. We had no real structure and I was allowing them to answer out loud and interupt so they could be heard...ect..finally I buckled down BIG time last year. They now are to raise their hands, show respect, listen when I'm talking and never speak without permission. This is during school hours only. They of course are to be respectful outside of school hours too but they don't have to raise their hands and such during normal hours...I have to put my school face on and stick to the rules otherwise we'd get nothing accomplished. For the first few weeks of this change I had alot of chair slouching, fussing and whining, mistakes on schoolwork on purpose...anything to act out and get some sort of attention besides the same response "You are to do your school work, you can do it now or we can do it later when you're ready, either way you are to get no tv until it's complete"...sounds rough and harsh but if I didn't stick to my terms we'd be all over the place.


Now when school begins it's business, fun, laughter and when we're done it's off to being mama, wife and they are off being kids :D


When my dh is home it at first was so hard. He'd come in talking to me while I was teaching or they were trying to focus and then he'd turn up the tv..ect..now he see's that the rules go for the house as a whole. We are a family and we are to all repect the situation we are in. Now he goes to the back of the house in our room to watch tv and he is hush during the school hours and asks very little of me when school is on. It's nice!

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Just repeating here, tv off during school hours. If dh is unwilling to turn it off, then it's your job to keep dd from doing work in front of the tv. It's not ideal, but it is necessary. My dh tends to turn the tv on, and then get busy on his computer. I will go by and turn the tv off when his attention is on something else. It may be hours before he turns it back on, if at all.


I think that you need to become comfortable with putting limits on your dd, without fear that she'll rebel. You also need to figure out how to negotiate these things with dh so that your home can become the best possible learning environment for your dcs. Best wishes!

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There's no way we can school with the tv. My dc can "do" school anywhere in the house, even laying on the floor as long as it's not penmanship. But the tv is just too distracting to my dc who are easily distracted...even to my one who isn't!!! Slowly implement a schedule for her and I think it will work together. I need a semi-schedule for my own sanity as well as theirs.

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oh, I don't mean that he's irresponsible or lazy at all. His classes this semester are very easy, so there isn't much work to be done there & he spends a couple hours everyday browsing & applying for jobs. He's had several interviews. He does laundry, dishes, house projects, etc.....he just always has to have the TV on if he's home.


You are going to have to deprogram him. I had one just like him.


Start turning off the TV when he leaves the room for more then 10 minutes at a time. If he is going into the kitchen (even with an open floor plan he may still have his back to the TV) doing dishes, turn it off. If he is painting the bedroom, turn off the TV.


It will take time, but eventually he will realize that he can live with the TV off.

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