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Runners....what am I doing wrong?

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I have been running for 3 years about 3-4 miles regularly. January I decided I wanted to start working on 10K then half marathon. In order to do the 10K intermediate from runners world it stated to have a good 30min base to work before starting. So I took 8 weeks and worked up to a good 30min nonstop 5.0-6.0mph run time. Now 5 weeks into my 10K intermediate I have back pains the day after my runs. I do stretch before and after but when I get up the next morning OUCH, I about cry if I sneeze kind of pain. I have to take a couple of advil a couple times during the course of the day. I am about to give up trying for to get 10K and just stick with shorter runs or walking with running intervals. I am so disappointed about this. I am going to see a doctor to see exactly what the problem is. Any advice?

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How are your shoes? Maybe it is time to replace them. After 300-ish miles, their cushioning is pretty much gone.


How is your core strength? Running does nothing for ab muscles, though it tightens (and strengthens?) back muscles. Some people end up with back discomfort due to this imbalance. There are core exercises that don't involve traditional sit-ups or crunches -- these moves can increase back pain in some circumstances.


Do you have a leg length discrepancy? Even a small one has the potential to be an issue.


Finally, it is possible that running has aggravated an existing back condition or caused a new one. I'm recovering from a bulging disk that has probably been there for a good while, but it really flared up when my running picked up late last year. All it took was 4-5 mile runs 3x a week (up from 2-3 mile runs 3x a week) and I was in agony. My PT said this could take up to 2 years to heal. :(


A sports medicine physical therapist should be able to help.


Good luck!

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You know, back exercises have really helped me. I don't have your problem but when I do my back exercises, my neck doesn't hurt from the impact of the sports I do.


My favorite is bow and superman. Totally easy. Lay on your stomach, stick your arms straight out if front. Lift your arms and legs off the ground. Look down at the ground. Hold it there for 5 to 10 breaths. Release and repeat as often as you wish. Bow is the same principle except that you grab your feet with your hands. Use your legs to pull your arms and bend your back. Keep your neck down.

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