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ETC Book 4


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DD is on her last lesson in ETC 4. I really don't think she completely understand how to divide words by syllables. She understands what a syllable is. She understands what an open and closed syllable is. And I've noticed that her reading has greatly improved over the course of this book. But, still, when given a word, she has a hard time dividing it. If I divide it, then she reads it fairly quickly. Do I work on her mastering syllable division or continue on to the next book? She is 5 going on 6 (in June). Do I revisit syllable division later? Your thoughts?

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And if your dc don't get it even after doing book 4 1/2 don't worry at all and keep going with the other books. I love the ETC series but in my opinion Book 4 and 4 1/2 are the weak link in the chain. Most people feel that 4 and 4 1/2 would be better towards the end of the series and/or they could do a better job of making the explanations simpler for this age group. But the publishers never asked me! ;)

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