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If you had 1 yr left before high school to teach writing, what would you use?

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My 13 yo is a naturally gifted writer. She loves creative writing. That is her thing. She is very good at it. ( However, she needs to learn how to organize her writing so that it flows well.) But, she doesn't really know how to write reports or essays, etc. She hasn't had much formal writing instruction with that sort of thing. She did some with Shurley English, but we ended up skipping the writing part.


What can I use that will get her up to speed? Right now she is using IEW's SWI-B. We just started it, so that will take us through the year.


Any suggestions?


Thank you so much! :001_smile:

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What about using IEW's High School Continuation Course after you finish SWI-B. I believe the CC covers essays and what Pudewa calls superessays (short research paper)? I used the high school level with my then 8th and 7th graders. Alternately, you could use the Essay Intensive.




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I have used home2teach.com classes for my dd15 since she was 13 and i can highly recommend them for rising the quality of writing. Dd found them challenging and stopped them...but when she realised she was going to go into journalism she asked to do more home2teach classes because she realised they helped her quality of writing more than anythin else had done.

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