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What age/grade for FLL 1?


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We started in orally in kindy. It worked well for us.




Same here. We'll be done with the 1st grade level and about 20 lessons into 2nd grade at the end of K. We are doing most of it orally, with good retention, IMO. I do tweak it a bit. I don't use the pictures for picture narration (use my own). I don't exactly follow the sequence, but I do follow the "method," if that makes sense. HTH.

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I've got a dd who is very strong in language arts. FLL is supposed to cover 1st and 2nd grade, but she's 6 and is easily moving through the second half. It's very gentle, yet has the student memorize lists of verbs and prepositions as well as the definitions. There are enrichment exercises with almost every lesson that allow a gifted student to work harder and it's very possible to skip various lessons that are review if your student has stuff down already. But I love the gentleness of the program because I've hardly had a lesson that goes beyond dd's attention span, despite her age. And she's really getting it! Now, if there were only a comparable program for math . . .


Mama Anna

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First grade. My dd who is a bit precocious could have started it sometime in K.


What she said. I've had two start it in first grade, one precocious one start it in the second part of her preschool year, and one who didn't begin it until third. The latter was a slower reader and she just couldn't wrap her brain around grammar until then. (She did the entire 1/2 book in 3rd grade, and moved into FLL 3 by the spring of that school year.)

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