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How is your dc's retention with CLE LA? (And other CLE LA questions)


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Are you seeing them carry the concepts over into their writing, etc? I need to consolidate grammar, usage, etc, into one easy and fairly independent chunk and we love CLE math.


But I want to make sure they are not just doing the grammar in the workbook and then not able to carry it over into everything else! This is really important to me.


(We won't be using the spelling, writing, etc. portions of it.)


Also, for a 4th grader who has NOT had any diagramming but is decent with grammar, could I start her out with CLE LA 5th grade in the fall or do we need to back up because she'd be missing too many concepts (especially diagramming, but also things like usage, which she hasn't had)? I looked at the scope and sequence, and I'm worried she'd miss too much of the foundational concepts by starting in 5th grade. Or do they do enough review that we'd be ok?

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We did CLE 100 and 200. Yeah, it's really good. I don't know if you need to hold your student back at all...you could browse through the LU samples on their website and see what shows up. We did the handwriting sometimes and the spelling is actually pretty good - it shows rules for spelling and stuff.


CLE looks sooo odd when you see it the first time. :lol: It's our favorite curriculum here, though.

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I think you might need to find some way to practice diagramming. I pulled my dd from mid-3rd grade. I'm pretty sure in ps she had never diagrammed a sentence. So we started in R&S 2 so I could make sure there were no gaps and all was well but boring. So in my infinite wisdom (:001_rolleyes:) I switched to CLE 400 level for 4th grade since I needed something more workbookish for independent work. She's done well, it's no cake walk, but every time diagramming comes up in the spiral review she doesn't get it. I am going to have to find a way (probably by getting and using some parts of R&S 3) to review and teach diagramming. I'm quite happy with CLE but feel like we have a gap in that one area.

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I used diagramming workbooks (search diagramming sentences) to help with the concept. We had used LifePacs and they don't teach it so we just switched to CLE 400. We haven't had to do any yet with dd (4th) but we have with ds (7th - CLE 700's) and I just supplemented until he "got it" and was able to continue.

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We use Shurley (1-6) I didn't like 7 so I switched to CLE for my oldest and I may alternate years of Shurley with CLE for my youngest in 2nd, SE is confusing for her, being a VSL may have something to do with it. Surprisingly, she loved the first couple of LU from CLE, even though it takes longer, go figure. I bought the CLE diagramming books for my oldest. She had no problem , it takes you through each step, then she went right into CLE LA. I'll try to link it here.


I just wanted to add we went into CLE 600 AFTER working through the diagramming worksheets to that level, she is doing fine.

Edited by Pongo
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Wow, Pongo, those diagramming wkshts look perfect! Maybe they will help I Love Lucy too!


How about usage, etc.? She doesn't know how to use lay, lie, etc. So if it shows up in the spiral review, will it be easy to catch on, or just assumed that they know it?


I'm encouraged to hear retention is good from the posters so far-thanks! I'd love to keep hearing more from others.

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We use Shurley (1-6) I didn't like 7 so I switched to CLE for my oldest and I may alternate years of Shurley with CLE for my youngest in 2nd, SE is confusing for her, being a VSL may have something to do with it. Surprisingly, she loved the first couple of LU from CLE, even though it takes longer, go figure. I bought the CLE diagramming books for my oldest. She had no problem , it takes you through each step, then she went right into CLE LA. I'll try to link it here.


I'm considering starting CLE LA with my 2nd grader who struggles (IMO, not in the PS's opinion, lol) with spelling and grammar. Currently the LA portion of our curriculum is the most frustrating and time consuming (AAS, FLL, WWE) and we just can't take it anymore! I am going to have him do the placement test but I'm pretty sure we will end up starting in the 100-level. Do you think I would need the diagramming books too? Or do the 100-level LU cover enough diagramming that he will have a chance to catch on?

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How about usage, etc.? She doesn't know how to use lay, lie, etc. So if it shows up in the spiral review, will it be easy to catch on, or just assumed that they know it?


I though SE was rigorous but CLE is about 1/2 of a grade faster at introducing grammar, usage and mechanics. You could look at the S & S and maybe you will find you may only need to back up to the last 5 units of grade four. I haven't seen them so I'm not sure, hopefully a seasoned CLE user will chime in.

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I'm considering starting CLE LA with my 2nd grader who struggles (IMO, not in the PS's opinion, lol) with spelling and grammar. Currently the LA portion of our curriculum is the most frustrating and time consuming (AAS, FLL, WWE) and we just can't take it anymore! I am going to have him do the placement test but I'm pretty sure we will end up starting in the 100-level. Do you think I would need the diagramming books too? Or do the 100-level LU cover enough diagramming that he will have a chance to catch on?


No, you won't need them. They are just being introduced bu just doing subject, verb, articles, and conjunctions. Make sure you get the answer guides, and you'll be fine.

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We're using CLE levels 100, 500, and 600. Retention has been fairly good on all three levels, but you really should have the child take the placement test before selecting a level. My 6th grader is using 500 and my 7th grader is using 600. Neither has had any diagramming and they both struggled with that during the first half of the school year.

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Honestly when I started my oldest who was 5th grade last year I started her with CLE's 300.

You have a couple of options. You can either start your child in 300 (where the diagramming really starts picking up) or I would get her actually the CLE 400 and CLE sells a diagramming book that is about $3.00 and go over some of the diagramming with her that way.


In all honesty though I would have your child take the CLE diagnostic test to properly place her. Please do not assume because she will be in 5th grade that she will start with with the 500 level. CLE is 'advanced' in the fact they introduce advanced topics early on and they do it incrementally so its really hard to figure out exactly where they need to be without having them take the diagnostic tests.





As for whether it transfers over, that will depend on the child. I can say though that my oldest did improve with grammar with her writing. She still has a long way to go but I did see some improvement.

When it comes to answering that question though your child may vary.

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I have used 100, 300, 400, 500, 600 and 700. I put my oldest in the middle of 600 when he finished his SOS LA program last year - 6th grade. The SOS was actually not tooo bad, but he is good at LA. He hated CLE at the beginning - CUZ it was challenging!! He loves it now. Anyway, I just had to help him with the diagramming at first, but CLE's book, plus my vague remembrances helped a lot. I actually had to google what a predicate nominative was ( couldn't remember)...you can google anything you are stuck on. I would definitely have your child do the tests, but you should be able to go close to grade level and just take it slow...unless this is not their strong suit. It is 'advanced', but in such a gentle way that it is not hard once they are in the swing of it.


I can't speak highly enough about CLE. And, yes I do see what they are learning being retained - because of the constant review and I do see it carrying over.

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