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MFW-CTG Library List


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I'm not able to order till May and we do not use the library (due to many children, distance, and one vehicle). Therefore, I will have scan my shelves and order any additional books. I know the site states their books will be used "and Library books". Does anyone have a list of what the Library books are so that I can take care of everything at once with my planning?

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I'm on the lists also, Sue. Thank you though. And due to the reasoning above, that is why I clarified that I am ordering the curriculum. I've used ECC and the library books were "basket books", I believe. Basically not scheduled in and not required. Thus not treading on the actual curriculum (unless things change in the history years or I'm not remembering correctly). I'll ask on the groups (planned to, just got caught up cleaning my medicine cabinet LOL...I'm awaiting on one little one to decide to kick me into labour).




JC in PA

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Dear Mommaduck,

I didn't mean to offend...


I know that that question has been asked many times before (with their various programs) and it is copyrighted.


I know it is frustrating...


I think if MFW knew you were purchasing they would give you the list ahead of time...


Just a thought...



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Not fun, is it? The MFW boards should be very helpful. When are you due?




Due now LOL! Technically Apr 3, but I usually go at 38-39wks. So I've literally been just waiting for labour to start (contractions come and go).



Rebecca, I'm not offended. I do understand where you were coming from and that there are people out there that try to get around things. I'm just trying to save myself time. It was worth asking. I know with things like HST Lesson Plans, they hold it as responsibility of the sharing person to make certain the person they are sharing with actually has/is ordering the curriculum.

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In CTG, there are about 200 books listed over the course of the year. You do not have to have the exact books listed in order to make the CTG program work. They are enrichment readings, not required readings.


And the lists are copyrighted. As a moderator on several of the mfw yahoo loops, I like to play copyright police :):):):):)



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