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The Olympic skier who crashed yesterday . . .

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I was halfway watching last night w/ the sound turned down because my children were watching a movie when I saw a man crash and go limp. I have no idea which team or which specific ski event (I live in Alabama and we don't do winter sports -- I just enjoy watching them, lol). How can I find updates? I just want to know he's ok . . .:001_unsure:

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Yep, he was fine. Today was much worse. Two women crashed on the same event and the bobsled events were brutal. Also several wipeouts on the skating comps. No major injuries though. I am so glad my kids don't compete. I don't think my heart can take it.


I KNOW! If I get this anxious over strangers -- --- well, I just can't imagine if my kids were doing that! We do less dramatic activities!


I do love watching the Olympics, though. These events are so impressive.

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Can I jump in with a goalie mommy moment?


My son is an ice hockey goalie and I can't believe how he focuses on the puck when there are huge players bearing down on him. It terrifies me. He is so focused and intent on the puck and just ignores the big bodies and the sticks and pushing and the crashing and the pile-on.


OMGoodness. It kills me.


When the whistle blows and they all untangle, my boy is on the bottom. He pops up with puck in his glove and I thank God. My mommy-heart can't take it.


Thanks for listening. He has a game today with his teaam's biggest rival and I am afraid it might get ugly.

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