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for those that have raised butterflies

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We did it last year... I think it said they would take about 3 weeks to develop. However, ours only took 2 weeks until they were butterflies. So, just keep that in mind. I guess it depends on where you are... I know we're not going to see spring around here for a long while yet.


:iagree: Ours were also ready for release in 2 weeks. I would wait. If you don't see them outside naturally, then it's too soon for them to be able to survive if released. ;) Have fun whenever you do it!

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When we ordered ours from a scientific supply co., they had specific ship times based on the destination. So they'd done the legwork to figure out when they should arrive for optimal hatching and release. You could order early to make sure you'd get some but they wouldn't ship until the time was right.


There are other companies now which I gather sell them for weddings and special occasions etc & which will ship whenever you like b/e in that case people don't seem to care about releasing an animal at a time when it won't survive.... :glare:

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It didn't take ours even 2 weeks. Within a couple days they were in their cocoons and then a few days to emerge, then.... we ended up with caterpillars galore (seems that if you wait too long - which isn't long!- they will procreate; go figure).


If you want to release them, wait til Spring to order.


BTW, we had fun with it; but after reseaching further, I would not choose to do it even though it was so cool. One safer alternative would be to wait and find eggs locally (information is online) and raise local butterflies to release instead. I found this difficult, but it would be safer for the butterflies you grow as well as the population of them.

Edited by 2J5M9K
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It didn't take ours even 2 weeks. Within a couple days they were in their cocoons and then a few days to emerge, then.... we ended up with caterpillars galore (seems that if you wait too long - which isn't long!- they will procreate; go figure).


If you want to release them, wait til Spring to order.


BTW, we had fun with it; but after reseaching further, I would not choose to do it even though it was so cool. One safer alternative would be to wait and find eggs locally (information is online) and raise local butterflies to release instead. I found this difficult, but it would be safer for the butterflies you grow as well as the population of them.


For us in the area of Texas we live in all I had to do was put out some host plants and wait for the butterflies to arrive. You can do a google search about what butterflies are most common in your area and what host plant (plant where the mom lays her eggs) you will need to attract them. Or just find a great local nursery with a knowledgeable staff. I did both.


Here in Houston I put out lots of milkweed and within 2 weeks I had monarch eggs. By the end of the summer we hatched over 20 monarchs in our little butterfly garden. I also put out dill and fennel and we had 16 black swallow tail caterpillars (for whom I had to keep running back to the nursery to get more food b/c they were absolutely voracious!) It was very enriching for my boys to see all of this in a natural setting.


Here is a link to a blog post I did that shows a little bit about what we did and how we did it. Just ignore all the text and scroll down to the pictures of our (very simple) butterfly garden as well as our first eggs and cats!


Our butterfly garden

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