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Baby steps to bring in the bible....?


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I really like the One Year Bible for Kids. It contains real Bible text selections in nice-sized chunks. There are 2-3 discussion questions. Nice and simple. The strongest feature is that it's actually the Bible text, rather than stories written about the Bible. (I do also like and use Bible storybooks as well--I am just saying that a strength of this book is that it's Bible text.)

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We just started Bible Study for All Ages last week and it is going well. The boys enjoy it. I read the week's passage from the NLT (my guys are 8, 6, and 3), we talk about it, do the student pages (my older two are doing the pages - 3-K level and 1-3 level), and usually have to pull out the DK Children's Bible to read more. It goes through the passage to help the kids learn it, and then has an application part where they think about the main theme (this week was on telling the truth).

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This may not be what you're looking for, but as a new Christian myself, a dear friend advised me to just read a bit of the gospels daily, for myself and aloud my 10yo dd. Just really concentrate on the gospels and get a firm grounding in them before taking on the rest of the Bible. This is working very well for us so far, and I can't even put into words how beneficial it is for me to be getting a daily "dose" of the very words and teachings of Christ Himself.

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Highly recommend Leading Little Ones to God by Marian Schooland. Its short and sweet, and very sound. Great for little kids through elementary, and good for adults too! It's part of Sonlight's curriculum, but you can order it from Amazon. I'm using this with my first grader for Bible this year, and its been great. Probably takes us 10 minutes.




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