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So, who else has a full mailbox?

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I had forgotten just how many colleges sent out info from PSATs. My sophomore son is now the #1 mail getter in our household. Yesterday hubby and I got one letter (and junk at that). Oldest son got 2 (National Guard and one college). Sophomore son got 7. This is the new normal at our house. He's loving it and opening + looking at each one - discarding only a few. I think he wants to spend his whole junior year doing nothing but visiting possibilities.


I'm contemplating wind conditions for a bonfire to melt the rest of our snow from those storms...

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because of dd's checkboxing on the PSAT that she would probably be an art major, she got mail from art and design schools. Many of them sent out thick (.75 to an inch) art catalogs, full color on glossy paper, akin to the books that are available to accompany major traveling art exhibits; books akin to the kind you pay $25 for in softbound bindings. (Well, we don't...)


Sheesh, the $$$.


I was amazed!

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My son refused to check that box. Sigh. He lost a brother and one of his close pack of friends last year, a brother this year, and his other two friends are juniors now. Although he knows he's going to college, he was trying really hard not to think about it. He likened getting college mail to getting bombs. His scores were ok for a freshman, but not high enough to get him lots of attractive mail, anyway. I just had him take it so I would have some idea whether he was going to test well or whether this was something he was going to have to really work on, so I didn't insist. Next year, perhaps.


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We had college mail from the PSAT year through the ACT and for like a year afterward. It was like a forest of paper! Get used to seeing tons of it. My son's friends went thorough the same thing. Those tests send the names to every college private and public. My son had already had his mind set on a school so it was a waste of paper.

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Yes, it is rather like deja vu all over again here as well! My 10th grade son did well on the PSAT (now he is hoping to follow in his brother's footsteps!) and he is the one getting lots of interesting mail. Oh, the possibilities! I am hoping that he will reach new organizational heights and actually put all this stuff in a binder, rather than all over the table. We shall see...



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Just wait until he takes the SAT. My dd took it January 23rd. As soon as the scores were posted, she started getting a LOT more mail than she did from the PSAT. Her scores were good, but not great. Her PSAT score predictions matched her SAT scores exactly for reading and math, but her PSAT score for writing was 50 points lower than her SAT score. My dd did fairly well, but nowhere near well enough to be a National Merit winner. She'll need to take the SAT again to try to get her reading and writing scores up a bit. Her math score was very good.

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It has been interesting to see the change from graduating senior this year getting all the mail to 10th grader who took the PSAT. Younger son put all the college mail in his older brother's place at the table assuming it was all for him only later to be told to read who it was addressed to! haha "Me!?" was his response.


Time is marching and the tide is turning. sigh... happy... sigh.

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It is interesting seeing the differences. My oldest often took the letters and fliers straight to the circular file unless something caught his eye. My middle son is carefully opening and considering each one, discarding only a few. Maybe he likes that the center of attention has changed? Or maybe it's pure personality? I wonder what direction my youngest will take in two years...


How would the post office survive without all these deliveries? I guess it's good that we're all keeping them in business - and the printers, etc!

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