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So just how many library books do you have at a time?

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We usually have around 50 items checked out. Sometimes when people ask me what I "do" (as in what is my vocation) I jokingly say that I manage our family's library books.


In our town we are charged the full fine (.50/item) as soon as the item is overdue so I try to stay on top of it.

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We pay 50 dhs ( about $16) a year to help with the renting of a space for our 'library'. It consists of 6 book shelves.

We can borrow 1 book each at a cost of 1 dh (.30 c) each.


The library is open for 2 hrs a week.

We really only use the library each week, as more of a social outing for us.


I buy all of the books we need/want, and I keep my eye out for 2nd hand book stalls at the markets etc.


Wow. It can be easy for me to not appreciate what I have in my library.


I'm just throwing these out here, in case you aren't familiar with them:


Google Books. The full view of many books is available, particularly with the older books that are often more popular with homeschoolers. Because the book pages are scanned, sometimes the reading is not as easy on the eyes. When I'm looking for material for my kids, I try to find a more recent publication. I've been using this more and more even when the books are available locally. It's easy to assign my dd's reading of, for example, Mark Twain, by finding the books and just sending her the link for her assignment.


Classic Reader. Click on the "Young Readers" tab, and you'll instantly recognize many old favorites. The type here is very readable, just a regular html font.


Gutenberg Project. Another site containing books with expired copyright. I'm just noticing the inclusion of audio books here too. That's great!


Free Classic Audio Books. I'm not familiar with this site, just found it by googling right now. It looks terrific!


Do you have library privileges anywhere in Australia? Many libraries here in the States now offer audio books for downloading. This is done all electronically, including automatically "returning" the book upon the due date. If you have library privileges somewhere else, or a family member willing to loan you their card for this purpose, it might be well worth checking into. Even my small county library offers this service, by joining up with a larger group of libraries in our state, JUST for the purpose of sharing ebooks. The weird thing is that I have yet to see it in our online search engine, or on our library website--it's linked through the Friends of the Library website. (My point is that it may be hard for someone else to find their library's info.)



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Our library allows 20 per card; each family member has a card so we could potentially have 100 items at a time. However I try to keep that to between 30-40 items at a time and sometimes we go weekly to change those out. Library is less than 5 minutes away and provides another place for us to do school with several study rooms available.

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30-50 at a time (we usually go once a week and bring back about 20 and get another 20, but we have 20 from the week before--we overlap so that we bring back the boring stuff and keep the great stuff, and get more). I *heart* my library. And owe them some $$ right now because we can't find one book that dh remembers putting away but not where, and one book got misplaced for a few weeks, etc. Oh well. It's worth it. I keep most of them in my room for safekeeping but they drift out, lol.


They email me what is coming up due in a few days.

Edited by LittleIzumi
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According to the site - on my card there are 52 books & videos checked out.... DD has another 20 or so..... DS - 2.....FD's - about 10+


Actually my FD's were SHOCKED this past weekend when I took them to the library and I returned all the books I had and checked out 2x the number I returned ;) Of course - a lot are educational videos then I had 6 books on hold for TOG.... and 4 more are sitting and waiting for me so I will probably go soon and go get them...

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I only have one at home. I tend to average about 30 a week now, but when he was younger and I was using more picture books, I would often have out what was then the max for all four of our cards: 100. Now the max is 60, I believe. I'm trying to use more of my books at home right now and decide what I'm keeping or getting rid of as my children grow up, so I'm not checking out as many books any more.

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