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Baby chicks hatching question....

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We have a broody hen sitting on 6 eggs. They are about to hatch any day now. I heard one of the eggs cheeping. So, here is the question. They are in a nesting box. I'd like to let the mama just raise them, but how will they get down? The floor is extremely muddy (due to a ridiculous amount of rain...) Will the Mama help them down? I just can't decide what to do...I want them to make it, but I'd really like the mama hen to keep them warm, feed them, etc. Anyone have anything to offer?

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The hen will likely keep them in the box for a few days. But our hens always seemed to "bring them out" before they should. It always worries me. (I guess that officially makes me more of a mother hen than, well...... the mother hen). I would try to muck out the floor of your hen house and then make them some kind of home. One time I put a great big crate on top of an old pallet. Then I put hay in the crate. When the chicks started to venture out of their lay box, which was kind of suspended up off the floor, so very unsafe, I moved them into their nice, dry, safe home. The hen immediately made a nest for them, and all was well. You'll need to keep a close eye on them when they're about to move. And don't move the eggs before they hatch, as it might freak out the hen, and she might abandon them. Chickens are, after all, bird-brains. Sometimes they'll continue to nest on an empty nest, rather than move to where their eggs are.


Hope all that makes sense. Chickens are so much fun. Enjoy!



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We had a hen last summer that nested in my hanging flower box suspended from the top of our porch rail. She was about 7 feet off the ground and close to 4 from the surface of the porch. There was no way the chicks were going to get safely out of there until they grew to adulthood!


So I grabbed the hen and popped her into one of our multiple animal carriers, then I gathered up the chicks into another one. I carried them all to the barn where I had made them a nice safe nest where other hens had kept their chicks previously. I opened both carrier doors and expected a nice reunion. No such luck. The chicks were too scared to come out and the hen was not bright enough to go to the door and call to them. So I had to go back in, cause the hen to freak out, unceremoniously dump the chicks out onto the ground in front of her and then make myself scarce again. Then the big reunion. She harumphed at me, tossed her head, and took her babies off to safety (in some miraculously pre-prepared nest). Later I went in and retrieved the carriers and all was finally well.

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Normally the mother will keep them in the nest for about 2 days and then gradually take them out further and for longer as they get older. Generally they can jump down without hurting themselves, but won't be able to get back up if the nesting box is more than a few inches off the ground. If you can't move the box, you could try moving the whole nest (ie the hen, eggs and straw or whatever is under them) into a another, lower box. Or you could put something underneath for them to get back up on. Or provide another space they can be based in once they come out from where they are. If there is so much mud that they could drown, you might want to spread some sawdust, straw or something underneath the nesting box.

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I have a cage (pretty big) I've moved out to the barn. It's covered with screen wire, and it has plyboard on the bottom, top, and one side. We put hay up around it, to help it be warm. When I move the hen and chicks out there, do you think she'll be upset, at being in a cage, or that she'll just be happy to be with her chicks? I guess I'm gonna find out. It's either do that, or put them (without their mom) in our store room. I'd like to let the mama just stay with them as much as possible. Everything should be easy now, except she might not like being moved.


The chicks are so cute! :-)



Edited by KLynnTX
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If possible, block her in with them for the night. After that, she should stay put with them just fine. I love watching the mamas with the babies. Nobody went broody for me at a time I needed them too this time, so I have to set up a brooding box. I'm working on hatching certain breeds and crosses, so I have chicks hatching every week. I love those fuzzy little butts!

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