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I'm using it right now. It is definitely possible to use it secularly. I am actually having my kids do the Biblical Allusion project. We were watching a show where the "four horsemen" were mentioned and my kids didn't have a clue what that meant, so I figured it would be useful for them to know the stories.


The summaries that my kids have come up with for the Bible stories certainly aren't anything like what Christians would come up with. My 14yo's summary of one of the stories was, "God told us to kill you and steal your land. No hard feelings." Her meaning for that story was, "It's okay to kill and steal if God tells you to."


I'm using the lesson plans that Jill Pike posted on the IEWFamilies email loop. Her plans add in several more short stories, two novels, and a play. You can see the lesson plans in the files section at no charge, but she asks that you send her $10 if you decide to use her plans. I tried using Window to the World on its own at first, but I couldn't figure out how to schedule it. Jill's lesson plans schedule it all out over a full schoolyear.


I just tell my kids to ignore the religious stuff that the Windows to the World author has in her book. It's more annoying than anything else. I'd love to have the same program without any of the religious stuff in it. The actual literary analysis instruction in the book is excellent. My 14yo has produced some especially nice papers with it.

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I just looked at the sample and I will have to buy this. THere are some literary terms in the sample that I have never heard of. I took AP ENGlish and received A's. I took extra literature classes in college as part of my non designated credits. I have thought two children literature in high school. Well I still have one and half more years with one and four with my last and I will get this book and learn along with them.

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I'm using it right now. It is definitely possible to use it secularly. I am actually having my kids do the Biblical Allusion project. We were watching a show where the "four horsemen" were mentioned and my kids didn't have a clue what that meant, so I figured it would be useful for them to know the stories.


The summaries that my kids have come up with for the Bible stories certainly aren't anything like what Christians would come up with. My 14yo's summary of one of the stories was, "God told us to kill you and steal your land. No hard feelings." Her meaning for that story was, "It's okay to kill and steal if God tells you to."


I'm using the lesson plans that Jill Pike posted on the IEWFamilies email loop. Her plans add in several more short stories, two novels, and a play. You can see the lesson plans in the files section at no charge, but she asks that you send her $10 if you decide to use her plans. I tried using Window to the World on its own at first, but I couldn't figure out how to schedule it. Jill's lesson plans schedule it all out over a full schoolyear.


I just tell my kids to ignore the religious stuff that the Windows to the World author has in her book. It's more annoying than anything else. I'd love to have the same program without any of the religious stuff in it. The actual literary analysis instruction in the book is excellent. My 14yo has produced some especially nice papers with it.


I will look at this again. Do you use an additional writing program?




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