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Please Pray

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I'm leaving in a few minutes to take DH to the ER because of his back pain. (He won't leave till he finishes some work emails. :banghead:) He will probably have surgery again within the next few days. Please pray that his pain is controlled, his back is healed, the kids are happy and safe while in others' care, and that I am able to keep all the plates in the air during all of this. Please pray that this all happens quickly. I was wearing thin before this, but the last few days have been rough. Prayers about the financial ranifications of all of this are welcome, too.



Thanks, hive.

Edited by Melissa in St Louis
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Here's an update:


We ended up calling an ambulance because DH couldn't move to get out of bed. One we got to the hospital, they gave him some good pain meds and he dozed in and out for a few hours. He ended up being admitted and is waiting for his MRI right now.


Thank you so much for your prayers. The kiddos did great even though they were shuffled around a bit, and everything seems to be going routinely at the hospital.


I am exhausted. Beat. Seriously. :tongue_smilie:

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