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OUr 25th anniversary- Canadian Rockies?

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SOme of you may have read my request for ideas for a great memorable 25th anniversary trip. I think I may have found it. FLy into Calgary and rent an rv or trailer with pickup and go visit Canadian Rockies and American (Glacier, Yellowstone and Grand Teton) too. This will be for about two weeks plus a day. Does this sound doable? We will go roundtrip to Calgary. I can save some money buy cooking a number of meals (I like eating grilled food and love eating in the outdoors) and then supplementing by eating some nice dinners or breakfasts in gorgeous dining rooms. Then only bad deal with this is how to get the girls to go someplace else for anniversary times, if you know what I mean. But I think that can be doable since they are 13 and 16 and can go take a hike or something occasionally. What do you all think?

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Banff, Lake Louise, and Jasper are all gorgeous. I personally dislike driving there because the roads freak me out :) but it's worth it once you're there. Gorgeous hikes and after that you can find some hot springs to relax in.


Sounds like a doable loop. What time of year are you thinking of doing this?


And make sure whatever vehicle you rent that can go back & forth across the border - seems to me that there were some rules about this which meant that some folks couldn't take them across the border.

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