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Is Horizons math generally known for good test scores?


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I know Saxon students are known to generally test well. I wondered what Horizons' reputation is in this regard?


(P.S. I don't want this to turn into a debate about testing vs. not testing-thank you!)


I can only speak from our experience...and it's limited at that. I have chosen to test my boys in the odd grades. So first grade was our first time to test and we will test again this spring. Ds tested at at 3.1 level at the end of first grade. I was very happy with these results. We use Horizons as is with no supplements.

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We haven't done testing yet. However, from looking at online versions of 3rd grade state tests (which I realize aren't standardized, but they are similar) there is a LOT of emphasis on story problems, which I think Horizons lacks. Horizons has its strengths but I recommend supplementing with some word problems (Singapore, Evan-Moor, whatever).


I hate supplementing and switched to CLE, which is like Horizons only better explained with more story problems. I feel much better about testing now.

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We haven't done testing yet. However, from looking at online versions of 3rd grade state tests (which I realize aren't standardized, but they are similar) there is a LOT of emphasis on story problems, which I think Horizons lacks. Horizons has its strengths but I recommend supplementing with some word problems (Singapore, Evan-Moor, whatever).


I hate supplementing and switched to CLE, which is like Horizons only better explained with more story problems. I feel much better about testing now.


Good point, it depends on what test you may be considering. When I tested ds I used a national norm-referenced test, not a state test. Our math state tests here in Texas are very heavy on word problems as well.

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Which test did you use?


Honestly I am scared of the Oregon and Texas state tests - both very heavy on word problems. I get to choose between CAT, Iowa, Stanford, CTBS and Metropolitan. As my son is much stronger in math than LA, I don't want LA skills to drag his math scores down, kwim?

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My girls, who used Horizon Math from K, tested very well with CA STAR testing math section (grade 2 to grade 4 so far). We also use Singapore and ALEKS, but Horizons is our main text. If we don't have enough time in the day, I require Horizons to get done at least.

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I use Horizons one level below grade level, and my kids have both tested high in math anyway. Also, as you get to the higher levels, Horizons has more word problems, and they get more involved. I agree that levels 2 & 3 don't have a lot. The upper level problems also like to throw in unneeded information so the student has to think about what's significant and what's not.


Merry :-)

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