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Reformed believers Bible curriculum?

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We are having issues within our church and half the time (I am going to admit it) we don't go. I am soooo filled with guilt and anxiety about this because I know I am not being diligent with my children's education. Is there a Bible curriculum that you love love love that I could use at home that you would suggest?


I love the idea of doing DesiringGod but it seems like it is so expensive. Any other ideas or websites? We are so empty it feels like. There are only 2 reformed Baptist churches within 100 miles and the other is 45 miles away and it is going through leadership changes, so I hate to put my kids in a church that is in about as much change and chaos as ours. Not having a believing husband and no leadership except my poor example I am getting so antsy.


Any and all prayer is asked for, and so appreciated. Any suggestions will be welcomed and well received. Thank you

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I don't know if Positive Action For Christ is from a Reform perspective, but it sure is wonderful--We are using the 4th grade material and loving it. We just finished a chapter on the Resurrection, and it was lovely. Now we are going into some chapters on the Holy Spirit, and then we'll do some of Paul's stuff. It gets us into the Bible--dd can now find anything in the New Testament, because she's had lots of experience this year, looking up stories and verses.

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Similar situation here and I can tell you that you CAN teach your dc - with or without a church OR a saved dh. I've done/am doing it - for years now. You're the one home with them all day. Make it a part of your daily routine; maybe when dh is at work if it annoys him. Teach them the Bible; play sermons and discuss them (tons of free online sermons now - we use John MacArthur, Grace Community Church plus J. Vernon McGee's "Thru The Bible"); talk about spiritual things off and on, all day long; and so on. Evaluate every situation that comes up in light of the Bible. Teach them discernment.


The biggest thing for us was coming to the realization that dh was an unbeliever. Once we got over that shock, it finally put everything into perspective, and I knew what I had to do from there. It can definitely be done. You don't need the perfect curriculum. And an unsound church will do more harm than good, IMHO. Remember the dc are sancitifed by the fact that they have one parent who's a believer - YOU. You and your Bible are the basics for them. The rest is icing on the cake. :grouphug:

I asked for curriculum and ya'll have taught my heart. Thank you so much for your post and those who private messaged me. I am so grateful for this forum to come to for advice and to receive such encouragement. I agree about the unsound church. I just have to accept that the fellowship will not be there anymore and the feeling of having help in guiding my kids. But I forgot that the Bible is all I need. The internet helps too:D

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Hello, Sunshine - it's me, your dorky "neighbor" who likes to correspond....


I second the poster who suggested Training Hearts, Teaching Minds.


We're just beginning a book called Who Is God? And Can I Really Know Him? from Apologia. Very good so far.


For a reformed perspective specifically, look at Westminster Theological Seminary bookstore. WTSBooks.com. (Sorry, don't know how to hyperlink. Maybe you can tutor me on this). Middle dd gave dh two kids devotional books from WTS for Christmas so they could read them together.


This is the beginning. Hope it helps. :grouphug:

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