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Does this type of program exist?


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I am looking into revamping our history curriculum for next year and I would really love some thoughts on which programs to look into. I have a ds (6th grade), dd (4th grade), ds (2nd grade) and baby:).


I would like to find a program that is Christian-based, combines history and geography and is meaty enough that I can challenge my 6th grader with questions based on the covered material. I have looked into TOG (and this might be my best bet) but I don't need it for writing and I was put off by the price and all the supplementary resources that add further to the price of the program. However, I did like the dialectic questions and discussions it would provide my 6th grader. The whole program just seems initmidating.


I am also looking at Truthquest and it does say there are questions but I can't find samples and it doesn't appear to be for each section (users correct me if I am wrong).


I would love to hear any suggestions or advice.


Thank you in advance for your help. :001_smile:

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Before I read that you already considered TOG, that was what I was going to suggest! :) If you have a good library system, you don't need to purchase any supplementary materials if you don't want to. Also, be sure to check out paperbackswap.com for the books, I've gotten a few TOG books from there. Plus amazon normally has the TOG books in their buy 3 get 1 free sale list.


It takes a lot of planning to use TOG with the library, but it is a great program, even if you don't utilize all the parts.


It helps a little bit to justify the price if you plan on using it for the next rotation through rhetoric too! ;)

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Guest Cindie2dds

I am also looking at Truthquest and it does say there are questions but I can't find samples and it doesn't appear to be for each section (users correct me if I am wrong).


I just ordered TQ for my 1st grader in the fall. I got most of my detailed questions answered from their yahoo group. HIStory Questers.


I agree the samples on the website are very hard to "get a feel" for the program.


Good luck!

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Are you looking to combine your dc? If so, TOG is probably your best route, but as others have said, it does require planning on your part and you already know the cost.


When I combined our middle boys, we used Biblioplan. However, there are no discussion questions and I found myself trying to make connections and fumbling because frankly, I need the help! ;)


We've moved on to Heart of Dakota's Bigger Hearts for our 9yo ds and Mystery of History for the 12yo. The 12yo is really enjoying MOH, and while there are not discussion questions per se, it is written in a very conversational style and the author's knowledge of history as it relates to the Bible is tremendous. He orally narrates to me and it has naturally prompted great discussions. There are also literature suggestions, tests and quizzes, and many activity suggestions. I love that everything is combined in one volume, albeit large. :tongue_smilie:


HOD's Bigger incorporates questions relating to Bible, history, and character as well as extension projects in geography and notebooking. The science is also loosely tied to the history. It is very homeschool friendly and truly Christ-centered as are all of the HOD programs. Their Preparing may be a good fit for your oldest two dc.


No matter what you use, if you choose to combine it'll definitely require tweaking to fit your personal needs. I have not used TOG, but considered it at one time. It was just so overwhelming to me. Many on the WTM boards have used it successfully though.


ETA: We tried Truthquest for a few weeks and while I loved her Christian worldview commentary, I found like I was drowning in a sea of choices with respect to the books suggested. I personally couldn't decide what to use. If your decisive, TQ may be a great option for you, but for me it was too much sugar for a nickel. ;-)


Hope you can find a good fit for you and yours,

Edited by angela&4boys
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I hear what you mean about TOG. I could not make it work. Our library is pitiful!!


I have had to use a combination of things to get what I want for history. For my oldest, we are using BF study guides and Around the World in 180 Days. I will also use BJUP's Cultural Geography next year for her.


My youngest I am also using BF guides and Around the World. We also use Visualize World Geography.


I am missing more of the cultural aspects that I so want to incorporate. We have rented travel dvds and that helps a bit. We also look online at the country and listen to music samples, lookup industry, food, religions, etc.



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I really wanted to love TOG, but instead of simplifying things it seemed to make it more complicated! Too many books to check out from the library, and sometimes we wouldn't get them in time and it would hold us up. and the expense. I tried just one unit to get a feel-this might be a good idea for you if you really want to try it.

We used BiblioPlan this year, and it has been perfect. the Parent Guide has extra info and the Cool History pages have been great. I also require them to write a history summary once a week about their favorite thing they learned. I like BiblioPlan because it has good spines, and the extra books can easily be switched with what I have on hand, or skipped, if I can't get them from the library. I also add in classic lit from the WTM recommended list and just have them write a summary when they finish the book. They have to include title, author, genre, main characters, summary of plot, and their opinion with examples. It has been so much fun to have them all reading the same books on their own levels. The historical fiction from BiblioPlan is just for them to enjoy:)

This has been our best year ever with history and lit==and that is saying a lot considering we've been at it for almost 9 years! I'm so excited that they will have the Cool History Pages and the Parent Guide ready for ancients next year (we are using year 4 right now). We will also use the High School Supplement, although the regular assignments look plenty meaty.

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I am looking into revamping our history curriculum for next year and I would really love some thoughts on which programs to look into. I have a ds (6th grade), dd (4th grade), ds (2nd grade) and baby:).


I would like to find a program that is Christian-based, combines history and geography and is meaty enough that I can challenge my 6th grader with questions based on the covered material. I have looked into TOG (and this might be my best bet) but I don't need it for writing and I was put off by the price and all the supplementary resources that add further to the price of the program. However, I did like the dialectic questions and discussions it would provide my 6th grader. The whole program just seems initmidating.


I am also looking at Truthquest and it does say there are questions but I can't find samples and it doesn't appear to be for each section (users correct me if I am wrong).


I would love to hear any suggestions or advice.


Thank you in advance for your help. :001_smile:


MFW meets some of your requirements. They have a year of geography, and then there is a LOT of geography throughout the rest of the years. My youngest has an excellent knowledge of geography after going through MFW's 5-year cycle.


As far as questions, MFW is not worksheet based, if that's what you're looking for. They also don't do "comprehension questions" except a little for the 2nd grader. There are a few areas where they must answer specific questions (ECC research pages, SOTW-4 Activity Book questions) and a few areas where questions are available if you wish to add them (Streams, Exploring Amer. History).


The method they really use is narration. The parent will also have a summary of books in book basket or experience reading books in the curriculum. "Learning to love to read" is the goal for the middle years, and questioning kids isn't usually conducive to that. By jr hi, they suggest PRogeny Press for literature questions. By high school, the questions are included in the program.



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As for TOG, it is great for combining and I think the teacher notes and discussion questions are awesome. You could easily use it with out utilizing the writing portion, it is an optional part. As to the supplements it seems to me you would only need the Map Aids since you want to combine geography with your history studies. You wouldn't need Writing Aids, Pop-Quiz or Evaluations they are not necessary at.all.

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