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Would giving up sugar give me headaches?

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I mean...I know just about anything and any change could cause headaches but...is it LIKELY that that is what is giving me headaches? I'm on day 6 of South Beach Phase 1. I'm eating well, drinking lots of water, haven't changed my caffeine intake (1 to 2 cups coffee a day)...and I've had a headache most days. It isn't excruciating. Advil generally takes care of it. But I'm wondering if sugar is the LIKELY culprit.

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Oh yeah! I remember when I was pregnant last year I was going to be good and immediately give up all sugar and caffeine. I went to the doctor 3 days later and told him what a HORRIBLE headache I had. He laughed at me and said "drink a coke!". I did and it immediately went away. I decided after that to slowly back away. My body was in complete shock.

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Oh yeah! I remember when I was pregnant last year I was going to be good and immediately give up all sugar and caffeine. I went to the doctor 3 days later and told him what a HORRIBLE headache I had. He laughed at me and said "drink a coke!". I did and it immediately went away. I decided after that to slowly back away. My body was in complete shock.

Yeah, I'm not sure how to spell it, but it's called ketosis (phonetically, anyway). You send your body into starvation mode by dropping sugars entirely. It's really not good for you and while the results are dramatic and immediate, they disappear just as quickly (once you stop starving yourself) and you end up storing away MORE fat/sugars to make up for your fast. :glare: I learned that when I was preg. last time and had gestational diabetes.

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I have stopped sugar a couple of times and every time I've had a sugar withdrawal headache. There is some confusion about the state of ketosis. It isn't the same as ketoacidosis which can be a dangerous condition. Here is a link:


People think that the headache signifies they need sugar but that is the opposite. It is the body's adjustment to being without an overload of sugar (the sugar high). Eating sugar to stop the headache will set up a cycle of ups and downs. The book Sugar Shock explains the cycle really well and is very motivating. There are a lot of good reasons to cut out the sugar.

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I mean...I know just about anything and any change could cause headaches but...is it LIKELY that that is what is giving me headaches? I'm on day 6 of South Beach Phase 1. I'm eating well, drinking lots of water, haven't changed my caffeine intake (1 to 2 cups coffee a day)...and I've had a headache most days. It isn't excruciating. Advil generally takes care of it. But I'm wondering if sugar is the LIKELY culprit.


Have you been eating enough of the "good carbs" allowed on phase 1? Specifically beans and tomatoes? I find if I eat at least one of those at least one meal a day I can get through Phase 1 without any ill effects. Things like hummus with my lunch, chick peas sprinkled on my salad, some kind of soup with beans for dinner - even chili. I can't manage the recommended tomato juice with breakfast, but I do put tomatoes in my salad, and tomato sauce or paste in some dinners.


You don't want to overdo it, especially with the tomatoes, but those are both allowed on phase 1 and give me the carbs (and for the beans, the fiber) to make it through the sugar detox phase. This is not Atkins (where those things wouldn't be allowed and ketosis is actually a goal - this is *not* a goal of South Beach). The goal is to elimintate simple carbs -sugar, white flour, potatoes, fruit and sweet veggies - but not *all* carbs.


I just completed the 2 weeks of Phase 1 and am just finishing up my 1st week of Phase 2.

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