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Settlers of Catan Card Game Expansion?

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We only have one of the expansion kits but we have a lot of fun with it. We purchased a sea kit and we now use roads and boats and there were new cards - I can't remember all the extras but I know we felt it was worth it. Now I'm off to check out the deal on Amazon - thanks! :001_smile:

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Are the expansion sets a worthwhile addition to the game? Amazon has a set that appears to include all 6 expansion packs at a ridiculously low price.


The 5-6 player expansion is worth it. We like the turn cards too.

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We had to get the 5-6 player expansion (big family) but we LOVE the Cities and Knights expansion set, too! Adds a new level of strategy and planning to the game ds10 *loves* it. Dd12 prefers the plain Settlers, dh and I always play Cities and Knights (unless dd wants to play).



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Settlers of Catan Card Game Expansion Pack


Confusingly, this is not like the "extension packs" for the board game version, which allow additional players. The expansion packs for the card game only add features to the game, but it's still only a 2-player game.


Still, since the expansion sets are $10 individually, this is practically a steal if it really does include all 6 expansions.

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We are huge Settler fans here, but only have the original game and the expansion pack for the original game. We would like more, but it's confusing. Do you have to buy the whole Cities and Knights game for example in order to play teh expansion? Or do you just add on to the game you already own?

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I think the "card game" is different than the regular game. I may be wrong though.


It is. :001_smile: They're essentially the same game play, but the card game is for 2 players only (and my tactile self misses those little wooden roads and cities!). My ds is obsessed with the card game version right now, so I'm thinking about getting the expansion sets for it.


No one else has them for the card game, I guess?

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